Ventilation efficiencies of task/ambient conditioning systems with desk-mounted air supplies.

In laboratory experiments, we investigated the ability of two task/ambient conditioningsystems with air supplied from desk-mounted air outlets to efficiently ventilate the breathingzone of heated manikins seated at desks. In most experiments, the task conditioning systemsprovided 100% outside air while a conventional ventilation system provided additional spacecooling but no outside air. Air change effectiveness (i.e., exhaust air age divided by age of airat the manikins face) was measured.

Thermal and ventilation characteristics in a room with underfloor air-conditioning system.

It is the objective of the present paper to investigate indoor environmental characteristics ofan office building with an underfloor air conditioning system. Thermal conditions in the roomwere monitored including horizontal and vertical temperature distributions, supply andexhaust air temperatures, and globe temperature. Indoor air quality was investigated bymeasuring carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and airborne particulate. Velocity distributionsaround a floor air terminal, and thermal comfort around a supply air terminal were alsoinvestigated.

AIRLESS, A European project on HVAC systems: maintenance of HVAC-systems task two.

In the beginning of 1998 the European project, AIRLESS, was started to develop strategies,principles and protocols to improve and control the petiormance of HVAC-systems and itscomponents for the incorporation in codes and guidelines. The project is divided in 6 tasks.The Hermann-Rietschel-Institute deals with the second task of the project, the maintenance ofHVAC-systems. People stay approximately 90% of their lifetime in enclosed rooms. Theserooms are often served by HVAC systems. In recent years poor indoor climate has causedhealth problems in buildings.

Airflow pattern in an air-conditioned seminar room.

The pattern of airflow influences the propagation of airborne pollutants, the thermalenvironment and general comfort conditions. In designing a good HVAC system, it isideal to determine the airflow distribution in the occupied zone to ensure good quality ofair and comfort condition are provided to the occupants. In most instances, it may not befeasible to conduct such study experimentally. This paper presents an investigation on thepredictions of air movement within a room and compared them with the physicalmeasurements.This study is carried out in a seminar room at a University.

Night ventilation effectiveness in various types of office buildings.

The present paper investigates the potential of night ventilation techniques when applied to full scale office buildings, under different structure, design, ventilation, and climatic characteristics. The approach of this study includes the use of both experimental data and theoretical tools in order to determine the impact and the limitations of night ventilation regarding the thermal behavior of various types of office buildings.

Comparison of indoor air quality between air-conditioned building and naturally ventilated building during heating season.

Field measurements were made during the heating season to compare IAQ between an air– conditioned building (Building A) and a naturally ventilated building (Building B) situated in the centre of Pyongyang and similar in architectural design, number of occ

Thermal conditions in commercial kitchens.

The aim of the research was to find out the indoor climate conditions in Finnish commercial kitchens by measurements and inquiries. Twelve kitchens were selected from the Helsinki metropolitan area. The measurements concentrated on thermal conditions. On the average thermal conditions in measured kitchens are not fully satisfactory and they varied considerably between the kitchens. Thermal conditions within kitchens varied also depending on the workplace. Heat stress harmful to health was only found in two kitchens.

Olympic arena - concept and design development.

This paper presents an original air conditioning concept and design development elaborated for a large arena, designed to accommodate the indoor sporting events during the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia. An air conditioning system, which provides a great level of flexibility and economical operation, has been developed and its performance studied in detail by the use of our computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software.

Laboratory assessment of the fluid dynamic performance of fan-coils.

Usually, the performance of fan-coils is defined and measured in the laboratories only through thermal quantities. However, comfort conditions within a room depend also on the air flow pattern determined by the appliance. Therefore, an experimental procedure to evaluate the fluid dynamic performance of fan-coils has been developed.
