Moisture problems in houses.

Examines the causes of condensation problems and ways of reducing or eliminating them. Deals with diffusion through the building envelope, mechanical dehumidification and ventilation. Considers condensation inside cavities and roof spaces.

A prospective study of the health and comfort changes among tenants after retrofitting of their flats

The prospective study included two groups, a study group, which had retrofitting of their flats, and a control group not exposed to environmental changes in their homes. The results clearly demonstrated a number of positive effects of the replac

Natural infiltration - tracer gas test Infiltration naturelle - test au gaz traceur

Provides the results of tests into tracer gas concentration decay carried out in 15 Belgian apartments (Concours CHT) in 1982 to determine the rates of air infiltration. The tests formed part of a research programme which included pressurisation

Radon in Swiss housing. Radon in Wohnraumen in der Schweiz

Describes the aims, methods and results of a preliminary study into radon in Swiss house carried out 1981/82. In the winter of 1981/82 three Karlsruhe type passive radon dosimeters were exposed in each of 123 dwellings in selected regions of Switzerland and the results evaluated in summer 1982. Thedosimeters were normally placed in the cellar, living room and a bedroom. Gives figures for the average radon concentrations in the rooms. Notes marked regional differences caused by different geological formations.

Air tightness tests on 200 new houses across Canada. Summary of results

A database on the airtightness performance of houses built according to current construction practices (1980 to 82) was established, province by province, across Canada. Airtightness tests were conducted using the fan-depressurisation method and the results were compared by province, builder, house style, and house size. The survey shows considerable variation in the leakiness of the houses when the results are compared by province. Less variation in airtightness exists when the houses are compared by builder, house style, and house size on a provincial basis.

Comparison of ventilation systems in unoccupied test houses Vergleich von Luftungssystemen in unbewohnten Versuchshausern

A report from the research and development programme Domestic Ventilation is presented. Describes quantitative and qualitative experimental investigations in two flexible test houses of identical size, structure and thermal insulation to compare various ventilation installations and devices under natural weather conditions. The comparative criteria were air infiltration rates and air change, ventilation heat losses, operational behaviour, possible requirement of auxiliary energy, problems and weak points.

Field performance of an air infiltration barrier.

A spunbonded polyolefin air infiltration barrier (AIB) was installed immediately beneath the siding of a 5 year old ranch-style house. The AIB reduced the heating energy consumption by 27% during the first heating season and is expected to reduce the heating load by 28% over the remaining life of the house.

Ventilation of internal kitchens Die Beluftung innenliegender Kuchen

Notes the trend to installing windowless kitchens, bathrooms and W.C.s in the internal zones of dwellings. Describes a research project to measure for internal kitchens the energy consumption and emission of equipment, the total daily energy consumption, air temperatures, air humidity values during cooking, comfort and air speed. Illustrates the test kitchen and gives the results of measurements of around 100 days of simulated operation for a household of four. Notes the consequences for recommended normal and peak ventilation rates.

Thermotechnical modernisation of the Limmatstrasse housing development, Zurich. Warmetechnische Sanierung der Wohnkolonie Limmatstrasse, Zurich.

Describes the housing development comprising 224 apartments in three courtyards built in 1908. Provides a detailed description of the thermal modernisation measures and their monitoring from 1974 to 1982, permitting the systematic observation of the situation before, during and after modernisation. The present report concentrates on the measurements carried out from June 1980 to the end of May 1982. Four of the apartment buildings each containing 10 apartments were treated as test buildings with experimental energy conserving installations and constructional measures.
