Thermal performance of solid growth floor slabs.

This paper describes the application of a two-dimensional finite element computer program for predicting the temperatures and heat flux in the floor-slab and ground of industrial buildings. The model was constructed from the SERC's Finite Element Library. The model has been used to predict the steady state heat flux for different ground conditions and floor-slab insulation options, and results are presented.

Environmental assessment of industrial buildings using BREEAM.

The environmental assessment of buildings is a potentially powerful means of reducing environmental impacts including those arising from energy consumption, writes Josephine Prior, Alan Yates and Paul Bartlett, Building Research Establishment

The energy impact of ventilation on industrial buildings.

A combined thermal and ventilation model has been used to investigate the seasonal variation of air infiltration rates and ventilation heat losses in modern industrial buildings. The model was initially compared to measurements of ventilation rates, temperatures and heating loads in such a building, and was found to agree well. The model was then used to predict infiltration rates, temperatures, ventilation heat losses and space heating loads for a standard heating season for that building.

Jet enhanced local exhaust ventilation.

