Critical reflections on indoor-environmental quality constructs

The main focus of this paper can be summarized in terms of the following two presuppositions: i) The process through which we select and apply indoor-environmental quality (IEQ) constructs could be – perhaps should be – improved; ii) Such improvement would contribute to formulation of more robust IEQ standards and guidelines.

Indoor environmental quality rating using the TAIL scheme

The TAIL scheme was developed to rate buildings' indoor environmental quality (IEQ). The scheme was developed to assure that occupants' health and well-being are not compromised during deep energy renovation (DER) of office buildings and hotels, but it is expected that TAIL can also be used as a general rating scheme of IEQ in any building. TAIL combines the quality of Thermal, Acoustic and Luminous environment and Indoor air quality to determine the overall quality of the indoor environment.

AIRBODS: Airborne Infection Reduction through Building Operation and Design for SARS-CoV-2

The Airborne Infection Reduction through Building Operation and Design for SARS-CoV-2 (AIRBODS ) project aim is to deliver guidance on the ventilation operation and future design of non-domestic buildings and to quantify the risk of, and reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in buildings. It is doing this through experimentation, computer simulation and fieldwork supporting the guidance and tools.

New developments in the field of airtightness measurements and airtightness designs in Switzerland

Purpose of the work

I have already talked about the issue of airtightness designs in Swiss standards at the Buildair Conference in 2015. What are the challenges we are facing two years later, regarding airtightness in Switzerland? And which of the issues in this context could be of interest for other countries?

Methods for measuring and analyzing leakages

Purpose of the work

Based on the results of the FLiB e.V. research project „Evaluation of leakages in airtight layers – Recommendations for action for construction professionals”, testing methods in building practice for the detection, analysis, and evaluation of leakages are put up for discussion.

Method of approach

Ventilative Cooling Potential in Low-Energy Dwellings –The HoTT Case Study

Research indicates that low-energy dwellings are more sensitive to overheating than regular dwellings. In this research the ventilative cooling potential of low-energy dwellings is considered. A low-energy dwelling based on the Active House concept, “House of Tomorrow Today” (HoTT), has been investigated as representative for low-energy dwellings in general. A computational model of the house was created with the software TRNSYS (in combination with CONTAM) and this model has been calibrated with actual (intervention) measurements in the HoTT.

Airtightness and non-uniformity of ventilation rates in a naturally ventilated building with trickle vents

Infiltration is an uncontrolled contribution to ventilation in a building and can contribute significantly to the total ventilation rate, particularly in older, leaky, dwellings which can rely on infiltration to provide adequate indoor air quality. However, as explored in this paper, using a whole house airtightness metric to characterise ventilation rates can fail to identify low ventilation rates in specific rooms. 

Designing a model-scale experiment to evaluate the impact of steady wind on building air leakage measurements

Since the 1970s, many authors have discussed the impact of poor airtightness on building energy use, indoor air quality, building damage, or noise transmission. Nowadays, because poor airtightness affects significantly the energy performance of buildings, and even more significantly with low-energy targets, many countries include requirements for building airtightness in their national regulations or energy-efficiency programs. Building pressurization tests are increasingly used for compliance checks to energy performance requirements and may result in severe penalties.

Reliability of ductwork airtightness measurement: impact of pressure drop and leakage repartition on the test result

Building airtightness requirements are becoming more and more common in Europe (Leprince, Carrié, & Kapsalaki, 2017). However, airtight buildings require an efficient ventilation system to ensure good indoor air quality. In France, the inspection of ventilation system (Jobert, 2012) has revealed many noncompliance. They are mainly due to bad conception, poor implementation, and lack of maintenance. This often leads to reduced ventilation flowrates and poor indoor air quality. Leaky ductwork is one of the reasons for this noncompliance.

Impact of construction stages on Indoor Air Quality

Since the turn of the century, alarming data produced by the Indoor Air Quality Observatory (OQAI) have led to changes in French legislation, including, most notably, the introduction of compulsory labelling for construction products (decree no. 2011-321 of 23 March 2011).
