Air pollution and mortality in Barcelona.


Air pollution and daily mortality in Amsterdam.


A study of effects of ambient urban air pollution using personal samplers; a preliminary report.

Air pollution has been associated with an increased incidence of respiratory disease. However, significant differences may exist between air pollution levels measured at conventional fixed monitoring stations and actual levels inhaled by a subject. Furthermore, studies of effects of air pollution might best be done using asthmatics as study subjects, since they have irritable airways. This is a preliminary report of a study using a control and asthmatic group in which effects of air pollution are assessed by symptom and medication diaries and simple pulmonary function tests.

Epidemiological study on population exposed to air pollution by chlorine and its compounds.

The present study was designed to assess health effects in residents of a Bulgarian city polluted by a transboundary chlorine emitter. The study was undertaken on account of the local population's complaints of pervasive specific odour and irritation of respiratory ways and the eyes. The study aimed at assessment of both acute and long-term effects of exposure to air pollution.
