Air curtain installations

Deals with the problems of open building passages and tunnel like entrances caused by thermal influences and wind currents. Shows advantages of air screening, especially where high pressure differences occur.

Wind attack on air curtains-an undetermined factor Windaanval op luchtgordijnen een onbekende factor

Air curtains are used to protect entrances of big buildings such as department stores and cold-storage warehouses. When designing an air curtain for a given situation, one needs to know the pressure difference between both sides of the curtain due to the temperature difference and forced ventilation, as well as the wind. In literature on air curtains the effect of wind is generally underestimated.

Thermography. The effects of external factors upon thermal images. Termografering. Matningsbetingelsers inverkan pa varmebilder.

Reports an investigation of the effects of temperature differences, pressures, sun and wind conditions on a thermal image produced by thermography. This investigation is concerned mainly with measurement points associated with air leakage. Reports measurements on a single-storey timber-framed house under a pressure difference of 5,-2,-10 and -20 Pa.

The effect of turbulence on ventilation. Der Einfluss der Turbulenz auf der Luftung.

Considers the characteristics of flow through small gaps. Discusses relation between wind tunnel measurements and actual wind pressure on buildings and the effect of building shape on ventilation. Derives equations for flow rate through a gap for different temperature and pressure differences and sizes of gap. The equations consider the pressure as a function of time thus modelling the effects of a turbulent wind incident on a gap.

Air infiltration into heated buildings.

Gives method for calculating air infiltration through window cracks. Calculates pressure drops across windows in buildings for four types of building and discusses resulting pressure differences. Gives values for crack width and length. Recommends design values for rates of air change due to infiltration in buildings heated by off-peak electricity.

Wind and temperature induced pressure differentials and an equivalent pressure difference model for predicting air infiltration in schools.

Describes continuous measurements of wind induced pressure differences across the exterior walls of two schools taken over a period of 8 months. These schools were selected from a total of eleven schools whose air leakage characteristics had been previously studied. Calculates air infiltration rates caused by wind using the measured differentials. Evaluates equivalent pressure differentials caused by wind. Calculates uniform pressure differentials caused by stack action using a computer model.

Effect of fluctuating wind pressures on natural ventilation.

Describes research project which aimed to quantify the difference between actual dynamic ventilation rates and natural ventilation rates predicted using a steady state model. 

Draught or ventilation? Tjyvdrag eller ventilation?

Shows by comparison with simplified methods for dimensioning structural beams that the degree of tightness of a shell is not the arithmetic sum of the leakage of components. States that leakage occurs where there is a pressure difference caused by wind, temperature difference and fans. The amount of leakage depends on whether the air flow is laminar or turbulent. Gives equations for the calculation of leakage in buildings without ventilation, with natural ventilation, with mechanical evacuation and with both mechanical inlet and evacuation.

Wind tunnel and on-site pressure distribution measurements on a house and its effects on infiltration

Summarizes measurements made on a flat. These include inside to outside temperature and pressure differences, infiltration rates using helium as a tracer gas, duration of opening windows and doors and weather conditions. Also describes wind tunnel measurements made on a model of the building with and without obstacles and terrain roughness.

Comparison of internal and outside pressure distributions measured at a model and at the actual slotervaart hospital in amsterdam.

Reports measurements of air pressure differences to determine influence of wind on air flow directions through door and window gaps. Studies measures to prevent air transport between the 4 wings of the cross-shaped hospital and to ensure air flows from the corridors to the rooms on both sides. Pressure differences measured between facades agreed well with wind-tunnel results. Air flow directions measured agreed with results from an electrical analogue ventilation model.
