Accuracy Improvement for Estimating Indoor Carbon Dioxide Concentration Produced by Occupants

Carbon dioxide included in exhaled breath is often used as a tracer gas when estimation of ventilation aspect in buildings with occupants is performed. Indoor carbon dioxide concentration is also adopted evaluation of ventilation commonly. It is needed for these investigations to grasp occupants’ carbon dioxide production rate accurately. 

Derivation of equation for personal carbon dioxide in exhaled breath intended to estimation of building ventilation

Carbon dioxide included in exhaled breath is often used as a tracer gas when estimation of ventilation aspect in buildings with occupants is performed. Carbon dioxide produced by occupants is the key for the estimation. JIS A 1406 and ASTM D6245-12 refer personal carbon dioxide production rate. However JIS does not take into account personal attribute like as body height and weight. On the other hand, ASTM does not take into account gender difference and based on average westerner adult data.

Comparing zonal and CFD model predictions of isothermal indoor airflows to experimental data

This paper is the investigation of two approaches for describing the details of air-flow in large indoor spaces. One approach is the zonal method, and the second one uses a CFD model.Results swow that when airflows details are necessary, coarse-grid CFD is a better method for predicting airflow in large indoor spaces than the zonal methods.

Single-zone stack-dominated infiltration modelling.

Simplified, physical models for calculating infiltration in a single zone, usually calculate the air flows from the natural driving forces separately and then combine them. For most purposes-especially minimum ventilation or energy considerations-the stack effect dominates and total ventilation can be calculated by treating other effects (i.e. wind and small fans) as perturbations, using superposition techniques. The stack effect is caused by differences in density between indoor and outdoor air, normally attributable to the indoor-outdoor temperature difference.

The message of Annex 20: air flow patterns within buildings.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) task-sharing project "Air Flow Patterns within Buildings" was initiated in May 1988 for a duration of 3,5 years. Twelve nations contribute work and expertise and "share the task" specified in the project's objectives. This project and the AIVC belong to the same Implementing Agreement: The Energy Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems Program. As "Attachments" to the Implementing Agreement, they are called Annexes.

Tracer-gas techniques for measuring ventilation in a single zone.

Tracer-gas techniques have become widely used to measure the ventilation rates in buildings. A tracer gas is an idealized substance used to tag volumes of air so as to be able to infer their bulk movement; the properties of a perfect tracer are discussed. The basic principle involved is that of canservation of mass (of both air and tracer gas) as expressed in the continuity equation; by monitoring the injection and concentration of the tracer, one can infer the exchange of air. This report will summarize the techniques in use.