Ventilation efficiencies of a desk-edge mounted task ventilation system

A personalized ventilation system located underneath the front edge of a desk was tested regarding to its ventilation efficiency using a heated mannequin and tracer gas. The air change effectiveness ranged from 1.4 to 2.7.

Natural ventilation performance in kitchens with transoms replaced with porous screens

This study was aimed to analyse the ventilation efficiency and indoor air quality in the conventional kitchens, when porous screens were installed on the transoms. Numerical simulations and laboratory full-scale experiments were carried out in the model kitchen in the Department of Architecture at National Cheng-Kung University. The influences of porous screens on the temperature fields, flow structures and ventilation rates were indicated. The "Tracer-gas Concentration Decay" method was conducted to measure the air exchange rate and the age of air in the model kitchen.

The impact of tracer gas mixing on airflow rate measurements in large commercial fan systems

The study characterised the mixing of tracer gas in three ventilation systems with two different airflow rates (totally outdoor air).The test procedure is presented and errors are calculated and compared.

Tracer gas techniques for measurement of ventilation in multi-zone buildings - a review

Five different techniques of tracer gas measurement are reviewed in order to determine the total ventilation airflow rate as well as air distribution in the room, on site or in laboratory. Examples of applications are given insisting on the two most recent techniques.

The evaluation of multi-zone air flow pattern and ventilation rates with tracer gas methods in appartment house

Detailed testing of multi-zone airflow and ventilation rates in a dwelling were conducted using two different types of tracer gas method and compared with design.

Measurement and simulation of air exchange in the existing building.

This paper is based upon the results of measuring and simulating the air change in the single apartment of 5-storey multi-family dwelling. The technique of tracer gas concentration decay was applied to be able to assess the rate of air change. The building was used as normal by occupants so the results should be very accurate. The main aim of the research was to validate simulation methods used to predict infiltration. Multiven -the authors own program - was used to achieve this aim.

Study of airflow and contaminant migration simulation results for tall buildings finds some vary markedly from measured results.

Describes a project which attempted to match simulated and measured tracer gas test results and to determine how much effort is necessary to produce sufficiently accurate results. The research assessed the overall value of CONTAM96 as a representative example of available simulation-model programs from both technical and practical viewpoints.

Preliminary studies on a new method for assessing ventilation in large spaces.

States that it is difficult to achieve good mixing in a large space and that the usual methods to evaluate the ventilation system in such large spaces with the age of air measured by tracer gas is not often practicable. Proposes a new method to evaluate this ventilation, based on the normal step-down or decay method. A small control volume of tracer gas is used as opposed to filling the entire space. the local mean age of air is then measured in a study of the transient decay curve of the tracer gas concentration.

A comparative study of two tracer gases: SF6 and N2O.

This study compares the characteristics of two tracer gases - sulphur hexafluoride (SF 6), and nitrous oxide (N20) – whose densities are different from that of air (i.e. 5.11 and 1.53, respectively). The study is based on exclusively experimental work; and concerns the behaviour of the two gases with regard to their distribution and dispersion in an experimental cell, incorporating into the comparison method an index that is intended to characterise the ventilation of an enclosed space, namely ventilation etfectiveness,

Air intake contamination by building exhausts: tracer gas investigation of atmospheric dispersion models.

The reintroduction of toxic gases emitted from roof stacks can significantly affect the quality of the air inside a building. The determination of a safe distance between the sources of pollution and the fresh air intakes is based on a complex exercise that must take into account several wind, physical and topographical factors. Estimates of maximum concentrations as a function of downwind distance from a stack can be obtained using empirical models provided by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers [ASHRAE, 1997](1).
