Air flow characteristics through modulated louvered windows.

This study investigated the pressure flow characteristics over a number of fullscale modulated louvered windows (MLW). The various MLW parameters included louver inclination angle (8), depth (L), aperture (d) and the ratio of aperture/depth (d/L%). Airflow models were developed using both power law and quadratic model equations. By examining the coefficient of determination (r2) for both model equations, it was evident that the quadratic model equation suggested the best curves fit.

Cold downdraughts.

Characteristics of air flow through windows.

This paper describes the first results of a series of laboratory investigations that is performed to characterise three different window types. The results show the air flow conditions for different ventilation strategies and temperature differences. For one of the windows values of the discharge coefficient are shown for both isothermal and non-isothermal flow conditions and the thermal comfort conditions are evaluated by measurements of velocity and temperature levels in the air flow in the occupied zone.

Limits of natural ventilation through windows in office buildings.

Many HVAC systems built in the time between 1960 and 1980 have now reached the end oftheir lifetime and require retrofitting. When HVAC retrofits are performed in connection withbuilding renovation, there is often a potential for reduction of thermal loads. The questionwhether a renovated building should have an airconditioning plant or free ventilation oftenrevolves around arguments of energy consumption and investment. However it is not takeninto account that there can be no thermal comfort in many cases of cooling loads and outdoortemperatures.

Experimental measurements and characteristics of the supply air "ventilated" window.

A currently unresolved problem in building design in the paradox between increasing demand for good thermal insulation, and the requirement for ample levels of ventilation, to maintain a healthy indoor environment. A possible solution to this problem is a supply air 'ventilated' window. An experimental set-up has been designed to test the performance of the window under various conditions. The behaviour of the window is shown, and the factors affecting it's performance discussed.
