13-03-2014 | EU

AIVC aims to play a central role in the ventilation and infiltration community with respect to the dissemination of information, either with its conferences or workshops, or with the material available on its website.  The annual conferences continue to be greatly appreciated: 96 % of a sample of 76 conference attendees rated the 34th conference as excellent or satisfactory, 91% would recommend it to others. As you will see in this newsletter, we are working to uphold this quality for our future events.

We also hope the brand new AIVC website, including its advanced search capabilities on over 18000 publications, will experience similar success.

Please feel free to visit our website to find out more and mark your agenda for the following AIVC events:

  • Workshop on Quality of Methods for Measuring Ventilation and Air Infiltration in Buildings on March 18-19, 2014 in Brussels
  • 35th AIVC conference on September 24-25, 2014 in Poznan, Poland 


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