IEA EBC approves extension for AIVC (2017-2021)

On June 9, the executive committee of the IEA Technical Collaboration Programme Buildings and Communities (EBC TCP), previously called the implementing agreement on buildings and Communities, approved a new extension period for the AIVC for the period 2017 till 2021, i.e. a 5 years extension.
During this new period, no radical changes in the overall operation of the AIVC is foreseen but, of course, there will be an evolution in the priorities for the AIVC.
8 specific topics of interest have been identified, i.e.:
Ventilation and airtightness in relation to:
- … near zero energy buildings
- … real performances
- … regulations and standards
- … healthy buildings
- … retrofitting
- … rating tools and indicators
- … adoption of new technologies
- … reduction of exposure
The following drivers are of particular interest for an international centre on energy efficient ventilation:
- A key driver in the buildings industry is the drive toward zero energy buildings. Virtually all EBC countries have programs to support such buildings in one way or another. In near-zero energy buildings, ventilation is closely linked to heating, air conditioning and domestic hot water production appliances, sometimes in unique systems facilitating energy recovery and synergies between the various HVAC functions. Ventilation can also play a role in contributing to the avoidance of high internal temperatures. This implies new challenges as the ventilation system shall no more be isolated from other systems and will have to be efficiently controlled, including for peak power management (smart grids). The optimisation of these newly coupled technologies will need new approaches from industry, which AIVC can support.
- Assessing real performance of ventilation systems (in terms of energy use, IAQ, moisture management and mould, air flow rates, acoustics, airtightness, user behaviour and acceptance, maintenance, ...) is essential. Experience in many countries shows that there might be big differences between expected (based on design) and actual (measured on site) performance. At the same time, there are examples showing that good to excellent performance can be achieved. It is therefore necessary to fill in the gap between potential and actual performance. BIM, BMS, and the development and evaluation of sensor technology could play a key role in achieving this goal.
- Ventilation and air tightness are subjected to regulations or standards in most EBC countries. Meeting these at lowest total cost is important, which can be a big driver for professional and industrial groups. AIVC should not become directly involved in standardisation work, but it could play a role in identifying challenges in terms of standards and regulations and making suggestions when possible.
- Many countries and regional groups have independent drivers for achieving healthy residential and non-residential buildings. A key national driver is achieving these objectives at minimum energy cost. Ventilation is the key link between the Indoor Air Quality aspects of healthy buildings and the associated energy cost.
- Many countries have identified a strong interest in retrofitting of existing buildings for both energy and sustainability. In many cases concerns about inadequate ventilation and airtightness can be a major barrier to achieving energy and health objectives in existing buildings. Energy efficient ventilation can also be a major contributor towards improving the performance of existing buildings, with ventilation systems adapted to the energy renovation.
- In any rating tool or other performance indicator for energy or sustainability, ventilation, indoor air quality and summer comfort should play an important role. A building that does not provide sufficient ventilation is surely not sustainable. Ventilation has a key influence on the environmental impact of a building during its use. Balancing the needs of Indoor Air Quality with the energy and other costs associated with ventilation is a key national driver for some countries.
- Many energy efficient ventilation-related technologies are not being adopted as quickly as they should, therefore, increasing the adoption rate of these technologies is crucial. This concerns both new technologies (e.g., smart ventilation) and mature technologies (BMS, heat recovery, multi-energy and multi-function systems).
- Strategies to reduce exposure to contaminants of concern (filtration, air cleaning, source control …) should be further investigated, in particular in terms of energy and IAQ impact of technologies for which performance rating is not yet mature. Poor outdoor air quality is a significant market driver for some of these technologies.
When identifying new projects, specific attention will be given to synergies with running EBC annexes and in any case avoiding overlaps.
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