World Trade Center Barcelona

World Trade Center Barcelona is a business park located in Barcelona, opened on July 22, 1999. This business center is located on the waterfront close to the city center, and has 40,000 m² of rented office and a conference center, conventions and meeting spaces with 20 different rooms. WTCB building structure was inspired by the shape of a boat surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea, and created by renowned architect Henry N. Cobb who emphasized aesthetics.

Tea field



Donec non urna ultrices nisi gravida volutpat in sed ligula. Cras malesuada lobortis gravida. Maecenas tempor suscipit lectus, a condimentum ipsum fringilla eu. Praesent pellentesque

Indoor Air Quality and ventilation systems in low energy buildings

Etiam adipiscing, est at bibendum sodales, augue erat fringilla tortor, at vestibulum urna lacus id mi. Quisque mattis nunc in libero faucibus volutpat. In semper, nulla nec placerat imperdiet, ipsum tellus rhoncus magna, ut malesuada metus mauris eget lacus. Quisque sed convallis velit. Praesent et fermentum nisi.



University of Liege

University of Ghent

What is AIVC - 3
