Bibliographic info:
3rd AIVC Conference "Energy efficient domestic ventilation systems for achieving acceptable indoor air quality" London, UK, 20-23 September 1982

Contains 23 papers as follows: Keynote Paper The art of ventilation; Use of natural ventilation; Variations in householders' window opening patterns; Avoiding condensation and mould growth in existing housing with minimum energy input; Ventilation rates in relation to emission of gases and vapours from building materials; Ventilation and internal air movements for summer and winter conditions; A comparison of alternate ventilation strategies; Ventilation and energy consumption. Practical experience of problems related to ventilation in single family houses; Experiments with a passive ventilation system; The ventilation performance of houses-a case study; Energy improvement kits-field results; Effect of a gas furnace chimney on the air leakage characteristic of a two storey detached house; Definition of ventilation efficiency and the efficiency of mechanical ventilation systems; Field trials of ventilation efficiency in buildings equipped with mechanical ventilation systems; The efficiency of ventilation in a detached house; Reduction of air infiltration and the development of controlled mechanical ventilation in France; Energy conservation by regulation of the central mechanical ventilation system in high rise buildings: realistic or not?; User experience of mechanical ventilation in houses; Efficiency of air to air heat exchangers in occupied houses; The role of mathematical modelling in the design of energy efficient ventilation systems; Estimation of rate of infiltration based on full scale wind pressure measurements; Heat losses from small houses due to wind influence; On flow in narrow slots applied to infiltration;

Contains 6 supplementary papers as follows: Ventilation patterns of windows and adjustable natural ventilation systems; Natural ventilation in the UK and some considerations for energy efficient design; Ventilation heat loss in a detached one family house; The impact of ventilation and airtightness on energy consumption; Reduction of air infiltration and the development of controlled mechanical ventilation in France; A method to assess the health and comfort changes among tenants after draught proofing of their flats; Discussion.