The 29th AIVC Conference, Advanced building ventilation and environmental technology for addressing climate change issues, was held in Kyoto, Japan, 14-16 October 2008.

Contains 165 papers 

Volume content

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This paper gives the status on the regulation on ventilation in the different regions of Belgium for residential and non residential buildings.
S. Prieus, N. Heijmans, C. Delmotte, P. Van den Bossche, D. Wuyts
The Energy Conservation for Buildings andCommunities Systems (ECBCS) is anImplementing Agreement among 23 countriesof the IEA (International Energy Agency) forenergy research and development in buildingsand communities.
Atif, M.
This paper presents a design method to definethe settings of HVAC systems in order toprovide thermal comfort in high MRTenvironment in hot climates.
L.M. Monteiro, D. Costola, A.P. Shimomura, J. Goncalves
The holistic aim of this study is to make clearthe possibility of passive cooling systems usingnatural cool sources produced by cyclic weatherchanges. Here in this study, we focused on apossible use of rainwater for cooling.
Kataoka, E.; Iwamatsu, T.; Shukuya, M.
Recently, supplying glass space like atrium isbeing extended widely for introducing naturallight into a building, improving rest roomfunctions and having a pleasant workenvironment.
Lee, Y.-G.; Sohn, J.-Y.; Lee, J.-Y.; Kim, D.-H.
People who become too warm or too cool willadjust their clothing or reset building controls(windows, blinds, fans, thermostats) with theainz of restoring comfort or reducingdiscomfort, if they are free to do so.
Humphreys, M.A.; Rijal, H.B.; Nicol, J.F.; Tuohy, P.
Conflation of computational fluid dynamics(CFD) and building energy simulation (BES)has been used in recent years in order toimprove the estimation of surface coefficientsfor studies on thermal comfort, mold growthand other performance aspects of
Mirsadeghi, M.; Blocken, B.; Hensen, J.L.M.
This field work was conducted in Wuhan in2007 summer to investigate local residents'thermal adaptation.
X. Yan, Y. Han
In recent years, the insulation and air-tightnesslevels of newly constructed houses in Japanhave been improved for purpose of energysaving. However, a reduced design of airpermeability (i.e.
Yoshino, H.
Translucent thermal insulation walls forJapanese houses have been designed to allowsolar radiation and daylight to pass through thewalls into the house (Fig.
Kitadani, Y.; Suzuki, H.; Kihara, M.; Iwata, T.
A survey of air conditioner temperaturesettings and clothing insulation was carried outfor university student rooms in June-Octoberduring daytime on weekdays in Osaka, Japan.The results are as follows.
N. Umemiya, R. Okura, Y. Tanaka
A com~nonp ractice, adopted by several buildingenergy simulation (BES) tools, is the use ofsurface averaged wind pressure coefficients (Cp)instead of local Cp values with high resolutionin space.
D. Costola, B. Blocken, J.L.M. Hensen
This paper discusses the possibility of asimple solar hot water pre-heating system fordomestic hot water supply. In Japan, the fossilfuel use for hot water supply amounts to about30% of the total in residential buildings.
Hoshino, Y.; Shukuya, M.
BEU accounting and assessment is a fundamental task for development of energy efficiency in buildings. The traditional methodology is based on caloric value of energy carriers, which is only relates to energy quantity.
M. Liu, B. Li, R. Yao
This paper describes the history and background of the ventilation requirements. Thepaper starts with an overview of existinginternational requirements.
de Gids, W.
Sales data shows that the use of air-to-air heatpumps in New Zealand houses is rapidlyincreasing. This rapid uptake will lead to newenergy and peak power demands on theelectricity supply system.
French, L.; Isaacs, N.; Camilleri, M.
Displacement Ventilation approach is becomingan interesting alternative to mixing ventilationainong Canadian consulting engineers. Thispaper presents two recent DisplacementVentilation projects designed by two inajorCanadian engineering firms.
M. Tardif, B. Ouazia, M. Berube Defour, R. Zmeureanu, D. Derome, S. Celis-Mercier, A. Potvin
It is well known that the turbulence anisotropyhas a remarkable influence on the flow of threedimensional wall jets.
Heschl, C.; Sanz, W.
This study aims to derive design data of thesupply chilled water temperature and water flowrate for the radiant floor cooling system inKorean residential buildings.
S-H. Baek, M-S. Shin, C-H. Jeong, J-Y. Lee, M-S. Yeo, K-W. Kim
In this work the problem of the estimation of achange in the dynamics and time-varyingthermal parameters for a wall from experimentaldata is solved in several ways.
Enriquez, R.; Jimenez, M.J.; Heras, M.R.
