The 34th AIVC - 3rd TightVent - 2nd Cool Roofs - 1st venticool Conference - Energy conservation technologies for mitigation and adaptation in the built environment: the role of ventilation strategies and smart materials  was held in Athens, Greece, 25-26 September 2013.

Contains 130 papers. 

Volume content

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The thermo-hygrometric treatment related to the air change in buildings requires a relevant quota of the total energy demand for heating and air conditioning, especially when the ventilation exigency is significant.
L. Schibuola, C. Tambani
In Japan, wooden detached residential houses are common; the wood components within a wall may undergo decay because of condensation in the wall or flushing defects, which can be a concern.
K. Lin, .S. Kato, T. Yoshidomi, K. Hiyama
In 2009 the regulatory framework and the business environment for the construction sector has changed significantly in order to reduce the CO2-emissions of existing and new buildings.
T. Karlessi, M. Santamouris, T. Kuhn
The present study aims at investigating different methodologies and standards for measuring and calculating solar reflectance and infrared emittance, the two main properties characterizing cool roofing materials.
A. Synnefa, A. Pantazaras, M. Santamouris, E. Bozonnet, M. Doya, M. Zinzi, A. Muscio, A. Libbra, C. Ferrari, V. Coccia, F. Rossi, D. Kolokotsa
Soil gas pollutants (Radon, VOCs, etc...) entering buildings are known to pose serious health risks to building’s occupants, and various systems have been developed to lower this risk.
T. M.Oury Diallo, B.Collignan, F.Allard
Cooling loads in office buildings with large glazing facades are increase due to solar radiation penetrating the windows and over-heating the rooms.
P. Foutrakis, S. Papantoniou, K. Kalaitzakis and D. Kolokotsa
The aim of this paper is to present an advanced controller for artificial lights developed and tested using validated light models for several rooms in two European Hospitals located in Chania, Greece and Ancona, Italy respectively.
S.Papantoniou, D.Kolokotsa, K. Kalaitzaki, D.N.Cesarini, E. Cubi and C.Cristalli
Ensuring the thermal comfort and improving the ventilation effectiveness are important goals designing ventilation systems. This study describes effects if the ventilation system of a room is run in an instationary operation mode.
M. Schmidt, C.Kandzia and D. Müller
Worldwide the food system is responsible for 33% of GHG emissions. It is estimated that by 2050, total food production should be 70% more than current food production levels.
M. Kolokotroni, S.Tassou and B. L. Gowreesunker
High urban temperatures are observed during the last 100 years due to heat island phenomenon. The effect is intensively pronounced even in small sized cities by temperature differences between rural and urban environment reaching even 6 oC.
E. Vardoulakis , D. Karamanis, G. Mihalakakou
The present study aims at investigating concentration levels of particulate matter PM10, PM2.5, PM1 and UFP as well as of total airborne fungi and their vertical distribution in the indoor and outdoor environment of school classrooms.
P.V. Dorizas, E. Kapsanaki-Gotsi, M-N.Assimakopoulos, C.Helmis, M.Santamouris
In this study, the TRNSYS simulation engine was used to investigate the shading and cooling effect of roof added photovoltaics. The local weather conditions were introduced in the data reader component.
V.C Kapsalis, E. Vardoulakis and D. Karamanis
There is little knowledge on if and how indoor environmental quality influences students’ attendance and productivity.
P.V.Dorizas, M-N. Assimakopoulos, C. Helmis, M.Santamouris, J.Sifnaios, K.Stathi
The present study investigates the indoor thermal comfort perceived by students through a questionnaire survey conducted during spring 2013 in naturally ventilated primary schools in Athens.
P.V.Dorizas, M.N Assimakopoulos, C.Helmis and M.Santamouris
The exposure of children to indoor air pollutants in school classrooms might cause them adverse health effects. In order to confront this issue, the in-depth study and evaluation of the indoor air quality in classrooms is necessary.
P.V.Dorizas, M.N Assimakopoulos, C.Helmis and M.Santamouris
Demand-controlled ventilation has been proposed to improve indoor air quality and to save energy for ventilation.
H. Han, K-J Jang, C.Han and J.Lee
Buildings account for 40% of Europe's energy use and a third of its greenhouse gas emissions.
K.Gobakis, D.Kolokotsa, N.Maravelaki-Kalaitzaki, S.Lionakis, V.Perdikatsis, M.Santamouris
In the last years there is a strong interest for application of bioclimatic techniques and practices in urban neighborhoods and open spaces.
S. Zoras, A. Tsermentselis, P. Kosmopoulos, A. Dimoudi
Since 2007, more than half of world population lives in urban areas and its activity leads to an increase of building energy demand notably in summer.
A. Gros, P. Alexaki, E. Bozonnet and C. Inard
Earth-to-air heat exchangers are energy-efficient systems that use the ground for cooling in summer and heating in winter.
A. Tudor, J. Pfafferott, N. Maier
