Ventilation Information Papers (VIP) are a series of typically short AIVC publications (in most cases 6 to 10 pages) intended for giving a basic knowledge of some aspects related to the air infiltration and/or the ventilation.

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If the building envelope is not airtight enough, significant amounts of energy may be lost due to exfiltrating air, or damage to structural elements may occur due to condensation.
Dorer V., Tanner C., Weber A.
VIP Indoor Air Pollutants, Part 1 defined major types of indoor air pollutants, their measurement, and concentrations guidelines.
Levin H.
A heat recovery unit transfers heat (some units also moisture) from the exhaust air stream over to the supply air stream, thus reducing the heat loss due to ventilation, and reducing the need to condition the cold supply air.
Schild P.G.
The principle of displacement ventilation involves air supply and distribution in a room by upwards displacement, i.e. as direct as possible through-flow in the occupied zone in order to achieve high ventilation efficiency.
Schild P.G.
Addressing successful solutions to counterbalance the energy and environmental effects of air conditioning is a strong requirement for the future.
Santamouris M.
Natural ventilation is one of the most effective passive cooling techniques.
Santamouris M.
