Building airtightness requires a continued attention both in existing and new buildings. Good building airtightness contributes to energy use reduction in most climates and, in combination with ventilation systems, better control of IAQ.  The expression already from the 1980s, i.e. ‘Build Tight – Ventilate Right’ is still valid and it remains a major challenge for the whole building stock.

Appropriate ductwork airtightness is another challenge as it has an impact on the air flow performances, energy use, acoustical performances and the spread of contaminants.

Appropriate regulations and stimuli, design and execution support, and quality issues are real challenges for building and ductwork airtightness.

For most of AIVC’s work related to airtightness issues, there is a close collaboration with the TightVent platform ( and the TightVent Airtightness Associations Committee (TAAC)-

Click on the related contents below to know more about AIVC’s activities on the field.