Presentations & Speakers:
- On site ductwork airtightness tests in standardization (revision of EN 12599), Frank Bitter, Convenor of CEN/TC156 WG8, WSPLab, Germany
- Q&A part 1
- Ductwork airtightness tests in France: the FD 51-767, Laurent Bonnière, Air-efficience, France
- Ductwork airtightness tests in UK: The DW 143, Peter Rogers, Chairman of BESA ventilation group technical committee, UK
- Q&A part 2
- Ductwork airtightness tests in Sweden: AMA VVS & Kyl, Erik Osterlund, Chairman of the national Swedish standardization committee for ventilation, Sweden
- Q&A part 3
More information on this event, including the slides of the presentations, can be found here.