IAQ assessment in high performing buildings


Can We Live Healthy without Good Lungs?


Upcoming webinar "Score with IAQ"

The Building America program is organizing the webinar:"Score with Indoor Air Quality", to be held on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 9:00 PM - 10:30 PM CEST. In this event, Dr. Brett Singer, from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, will present on the development of an indoor air quality (IAQ) scoring system and the planned elements of a national new home study. 


AIVC - ASHRAE - IAQ - 2016 Conference, Alexandria, USA

The conference, co-organized by ASHRAE and AIVC, takes place Sept. 12-14, 2016, in Alexandria, Va., at the Crowne Plaza Old Town Alexandria.


12-14 September 2016, Conference, Alexandria, VA –37th AIVC - ASHRAE- IAQ joint Conference

This joint conference provided a unique opportunity for dialogue among attendees to facilitate understanding of current indoor air quality policies, standards and best practices with themes such as regulatory vs. voluntary compliance for achieving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), the role of IAQ in sustainable building programmes and the relationship between IAQ and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), etc.


New publication on residential sector energy performance

This book, released by the Energy Performance Measurement Institute, provides significant information on worldwide energy use and residential sector energy use, including many factors that are unique to the residential sector. Energy performance measurement methods and data are presented. Simplification of residential sector energy performance measurement is a key theme. 


37th AIVC - Call for abstracts extended

The abstract submission deadline for the 37th AIVC - ASHRAE - IAQ joint Conference “Defining Indoor Air Quality: Policy, Standards and Best Practices” has been extended. The extended deadline for abstract submission is now December 14, 2015

Visit the conference website for more information at:  https://www.aivc.org/event/12-14-september-2016-conference-alexandria-va-37th-aivc-ashrae-iaq-joint-conference


24-27 January 2016, Conference, Orlando, Florida – Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) 19th Annual Meeting

The Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA) 19th Annual Meeting programme will feature more than 40 sessions addressing:

