Evaluation of gas-phase air cleaning devices - full-scale chamber test methods and results

Various air cleaning technologies and products are commercially available to remove VOCsfrom indoor environment. By conducting full-scale chamber tests, this paper compares theremoval characteristics for VOCs between three commercial portable room air cleaners,representing three major types of technology: sorption filtration, ultraviolet-photo-catalyticoxidation (UV-PCO) and ozone oxidation.

Cleaning of ventilation and air conditioning plants : the European standard ENV 12097

The aim of the study was to evaluate the technical and financial impact of the ENV 12097 requirements and to compare them with the “state of the art” in France. The comparison has been carried out on the basis of a case study consisting in a three-floor o

"Clean ventilation" - A Finnish project towards cleaner ventilation systems

The aim of this document is to outline and summarize the principles to be followed when the aim isto produce and to install a clean air handling system. A large Finnish research and developmentproject CLEAN VENTILATION has focused on to find the main reasons and phases where theodours and other harmful pollution from the ventilation system originate. In the project bettertechnical solutions have been developed to produce cleaner components with less harmfulemissions.

Pulsed plasmas generators and applications to air treatment and to odour suppression

The excitation of pulsed plasmas for the air treatment (odors, toxic and volatile gases suppression, and sterilization) needs fast high electric pulse generators with powers that can require high repetition frequencies according to the applications .This paper shows that those solid state generators are today available. They use several technologies thanks to a global approach of the high power electronics physics and recent evolutions of active and passive components.

Air purification by means of heterogeneous photocatalysis

The heterogeneous photocatalysis relies on the activation of a half-conductor. The most often used is TiO2, with radiations of energy at least equal to the ones of the width of the forbidden band.The electronic changes due to that activation lead, in the presence of air, to the creation of oxygenated radicals. Those radicals attack the adsorbed organic compounds and degrade them. Starting from evaluations made with a laboratory photoreactor, this paper shows that photocatalysis is an appropriate method to purify air in domestic buildings (or other confined spaces).

A model of photocatalytic air cleaner for analyzing the performance of removing vocs in indoor air and its applications

The Volatile Organic Compounds concentrations in indoor air tend to be higher than the level allowed by the standards or codes. Photocatalytic oxidation by employing UV radiation is a promising approach for the VOCs removal .The purpose of this paper is the development of a simple but effective model of photocatalytic oxidation air cleaner.With that model, the design and the selection of suitable photooxidation air cleaners and the measurement of their Volatile Oragnic Compounds removing effect can be easily conducted..

Air purification by photocatalysis : a new system of VOC degradation and odour removal

This article describes a new system developed and patented by a Belgian firm for air purification, using photocatalysis (UVA radiation + titania dioxide) for VOC and odour removal. Results from degradation tests are presented.

The efficacy of strategies to reduce environmental tobacco smoke concentrations in homes, workplaces, restaurants, and correctional facilities

A variety of strategies have been implemented to protect nonsmokers from second hand smoke; these include separation or restricting smoking to selected areas, installation of air cleaners, increased ventilation, and outright prohibition of smoking. The concentrations of nicotine were measured and examined in different venues as a function of the techniques employed.

Mitigation strategies for reducing childhood exposure to ETS in the home

In the light of difficulties associated with giving up smoking, which is the most effective strategy for household members to adopt to reduce children’s exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in the home, an evaluation has been undertaken of other

Predicting volatile organic compounds concentration in residential buildings (Part 2 : application of model)

Using the model developed in part 1 of this paper, the influence of material kinds, ventilation and air-cleaning device on VOC concentration in room is studied. The conclusion is that ventilation rate plays a very important role on VOCs concentration, but it affects little on VOCs emission rate.
