Air filters may be used to reduce indoor airborne concentration which is one of the main indoor air pollutants. Air filters performances have to be measured in order to be able to select the right product for a given application. But differences do exist between laboratory and field filter test results and HVAC installations have to be controlled regularly. EUROVENT 4/10 recommendation describes guidelines for the evaluation of the perpromances of HVAC air filters according to particle size in an installation.
When studying improvements on room by room air conditioning appliances (RAC), it is necessary to know for how long these appliances function and which is their effectiveness - EER - on average (or Seasonal) known as SEER. A method was developed for Europe, taking into account the cycling losses, the fouling losses and the variations due to outside temperature and humidity. Further to this the load was represented by an equivalent number of hours at full load.
Intelligent buildings integrate ecological, economical and ergonomical aspects. The aim is the creation of a high application quality at a low energy consumption and CO2 emission. The ventilation and air conditioning especially has to meet high requirements.
This document, which is part of a public survey, was produced by the work group set up in co-operation with Aicarr to support the Technological Group of the 'Indoor' Technical and Scientific Committee of the Prevention Department of the Health Ministry. The document's objective is singling out the system requirements for smoking areas in premises for public use.
Upwards blowing air curtain includes usually a shaped inlet, a fan, an outlet duct, sound attenuators, an underground plenum and a nozzle. Warmed air or outdoor air is blown from the nozzle forming a jet which travels the width of the doorway and run into the upper edge of the doorway. Upwards blowing air curtains are normally used in doorways to protect workers and processes from cold outdoor air and to reduce energy and maintenance costs of the industrial buildings (1,3).