Reports on a project to assess the air infiltration performance of new residential windows and compare field test results with anticipated performance. Supporting tests and techniques included air leakage tests of windows in the factory, leakage testing of the window/wall installation crack and infrared thermography of test conditions. Tests were also run to determine performance of new windows during cold weather, the possible change in performance over time, the performance of fixed sash and of old and retrofit windows. Presents results of pilot study.
Describes portable apparatus used to measure the air leakage of houses. A fan is used to exhaust air from the house and the air flow rate is measured. The air flow rate and corresponding pressure difference across the building can then be used to evaluate the relative air tightness to the house. The fan pressurization test equipment is portable, inexpensive and simple to operate. Describes test procedure and gives a few examples of house characteristic curves.
Describes test rig used to measure air leakage through a metal framed window. Gives average of results of leakage for different air pressure. Finds leakage rate of 20 cu. ft/h/ft for air velocity of 30 m.p.h. which was generally less than published results.
Describes a probe, developed to measure air flow which can be used to find the leakage profile of a window. Discusses measurement principle, accuracy of measurement and experimental method. Suggest use of the probe for locating leakage points andgiving quantitative data of the amount of leakage. A possible use is for testing windows that are already installed in buildings
Provides table showing that annual heat loss through windows in U.S. accounts for about 5% of total energy consumption, or around 1.5 times energy derived from oil transported by alaskan pipeline, costing $30 billion annually. Describes relatively simple window treatment to eliminate substantial portion of thisloss which involves tightly sealed, interior-applied insulating panels. Demonstrates how performance of several such systems was predicted and verified by standard test methods.
Reports investigation of air leakage through windows. Gives tables of air leakage of various types of windows with their dimensions, crack length, number of corners and length of air paths within cracks. Suggest that this information can be used to calculate the heat flow through windows.
Examines ways in which air leakage affects building performance. Heating load and building relative humidity in winter are affected by over-all air infiltration and ventilation rates. Windows and doors usually represent the major source of air leakage in buildings. Condensation problems occur when exfiltrating air deposits moisture on surfaces such as atticsand inside double windows. Discusses ways of reducing condensation. Finds that air tightness in inside of enclosure must always be many times greater than that of the outer cladding.
Gives standard test method for air leakage of joints between components used in the exterior walls of buildings. Outlines basic apparatus and test method. Resistance to air penetration shall be recorded expressed as cubic metres of air per hour.