General feature of a two-dimensional isothermal mean flow inside a ventilated room with a wall mounted obstacle.

This paper deals with the elaboration and the validation of a userfriendly numerical program (EOL) for the calculation of the ventilation patterns inside industrial premises. After the running-in. In period, "EOL" will be used by the technical staff in charge of ventilation projects. Here is set out the EOL unit devoted to the calculation of the mean flow inside the rooms. The structure of the software (presently restricted to two-dimensional mean flow configurations) is explained.

Taming the tornado.


Interzone air movement and its effect on condensation in houses

 The work is concerned with measuring interzone air movement and investigating its effect on condensation in a traditionally built house. Air flows through a doorway between the lower and upper floors of a house were measured using a single tracer gas technique. To study the effect of temperature difference on interzone air flows, the lower floor of the house heated to various temperatures in the range of 18-350C using thermostatically controlled heaters.

Air motion in the vicinity of air supply devices for displacement ventilation.

In displacement ventilation systems, air flow rates, temperature and the design of the air supply device strongly influence the parameters which decide the thermal comfort. This paper reviews experiments and theoretical models which show the connection between t.hese parameters. It is indicated that the Archimedes number of the supply air is the parameter which decides the air velocity in the area close to the floor. (The Archimedes number is the ratio between buoyancy and inertia forces).
