TN 71: Durability of building airtightness

Much progress has been made to improve the airtightness level of new buildings. Still, little is known about the durability of building airtightness, or the impact of degradation on airtightness. This report presents a comprehensive review of studies that deal with building airtightness durability. Regarding field measurement studies, the envelope airtightness seems to decrease during the first years after achievement and then stabilize. However, these variations are rarely explained. Key elements that may drive airtightness variations were identified.

Research on airtightness durability in Norway

Achieving adequate airtightness of a building envelope is crucial for preventing moisture-related damages in cold and humid climate zones, such as in Norway. Leaky joints and perforations in air and vapor barriers are often critical points where damaging air leakages arise. Thus, the durability of products, such as adhesive tapes, is crucial to ensure a proper airtightness and performance of critical building details and overall constructions.

Assessment of long-term and mid-term building airtightness durability: field study of 61 French low energy single-family dwellings

The French ongoing research project “Durabilit'air” (2016-2019) aims at improving our knowledge on the variation of buildings airtightness through onsite measurement and accelerated ageing in laboratory controlled conditions. This paper presents the final results of the second task of the project. This task deals with the quantification and qualification of the durability of building airtightness of single detached houses. It is done through field measurement at mid-term (MT) and long-term (LT) scales.  

Onsite evaluation of building airtightness durability: Long- term and mid-term field measurement study of 61 French low energy single family dwellings

The increasing weight of building leakages energy impact on the overall energy performance of low-energy buildings led to a better understanding of the actual airtightness performance of buildings. However, low expertise is available today on the durability of airtightness products in mid- and long-term scales. The French ongoing research project “Durabilit'air” (2016-2019) aims at improving our knowledge on the variation of buildings airtightness through onsite measurement and accelerated ageing in laboratory controlled conditions.

Durability of building airtightness, review and analysis of existing studies

Mandatory building airtightness testing has come gradually into force in European countries mostly because of the increasing weight of building leakage energy impact on the overall energy performance of low-energy buildings. Therefore, airtightness level of new buildings has significantly improved in the last decade.
However, until now, low expertise is available about the durability of building airtightness at mid- and long-term scales.