LL 07: Air Flow Through Building Entrances

Air Flow Through Building Entrances

LL 06: Air Infiltration and Ventilation in Industrial Buildings

Air Infiltration and Ventilation in Industrial Buildings

LL 05: Domestic air-to-air heat exchangers

Domestic air-to-air heat exchangers

LL 04: Caulks and Sealants

Caulks and Sealants
#NO 1739 Air leakage tests on polyethylene membrane installed in a wood frame wall.
BIBINF Ottawa: National Research Council Canada, 1985. Building Research Note No 225. 26p. 19 figs, 1 tab. #DATE 00:01:1985 in English

LL 03: Weatherstripping Windows and Doors

Weatherstripping Windows and Doors

LL 02: Pressurisation - Infiltration Correlation: Measurements

Pressurisation - Infiltration Correlation: Measurements

LL 01: Pressurisation - Infiltration Correlation: Models

Pressurisation - Infiltration Correlation: Models

TN 67: Building airtightness: a critical review of testing, reporting and quality schemes in 10 countries

This report gives a critical review of steps taken in 10 countries (Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Japan, Sweden, UK, USA) with regard to testing and reporting schemes as well as overall quality approaches to improve building airtightness. The analyses are mostly based on contributions and discussions with 20 speakers invited to the AIVC-TightVent airtightness international workshop held in Brussels, 28-29 March 2012; they also include information from earlier publications as well as from the authors’ experience.

TN 66: Building air leakage databases in energy conservation policies: analysis of selected initiatives in 4 European countries and the USA

We collected information on existing envelope air leakage databases from countries that are involved in the AIVC-TightVent project “Development and applications of building air leakage databases”. This document summarizes the information from five countries: Czech Republic, France, Germany, UK, and USA. Even though our summary is not exhaustive of all existing data on whole-building envelope air leakage, it provides an overview of recent efforts from a number of countries. There are many reasons why different countries are collecting these data.

TN 65: Recommendations on Specific Fan Power and Fan System Efficiency

Energy use for fan operation can be significantly reduced by a 3-flanked approach: 

(1) The first step is prudent sizing of ventilation rates by minimizing the demand (e.g. low-emission building materials, passive cooling design), and by utilizing efficient air distribution. The latter reduces unnecessary over-ventilation by use of airtight ductwork, careful choice of room airflow principles (i.e. minimizing short-circuiting), and controls for demand-control of flow rate.
