How do we get healthy buildings.

The importance of the climate to general health and wellbeing has long been understood. The ultimate goal for planning, building, renovation and administration of the housing stock is to satisfy people's needs. When this goal is not attained, the results will be human sacrifices, social problems and losses to the national economy. This, of course, also applies to the issues of climate and the environment. Research and development work on these questions is nothing new for the Swedish Council for Building Research (BFR).

Dust removal in living rooms. Zur Entstaubung der Luft in Wohnraumen.

Notes reasons for reducing dust concentrations in rooms - allergic reaction to pollens and mould spores, etc., plus the fact that viruses and bacteria and some substances causing smells are often attached to dust particles. 

Indoor air, volume 6: evaluations and conclusions for health sciences and technology.

Contains further papers, reports and conference summaries from the 3rd International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, 1984, as well as afull list of authors and titles of papers printed in this and the previous volumes.
