The energy performance assessment project.

Phil Dolley of ETSU reports on research aimed at reducing energy consumption through carefully considered building design.

Healthy house construction

The model demonstration house described in this paper was designed to optimize occupant health by minimizing indoor air pollution. This was accomplished by the use of three primary principles:  ELIMINATION, SEPARATION, AND VENm.ATION.1 Pollutant source strength reduction has come to be regarded as the most effective method of reducing indoor pollution. This is often easily achieved by ELIMINATING potentially polluting materials wherever possible, and using more benign low outgassing materials instead.

Energy efficient ventilation strategies.

Ventilation is the process by which clean air is provided to a space. It is essential for the provision of fresh air to occupants and for the dilution and removal of pollutants. It is therefore at the focal point of building environmental design. In many climatic regions, ventilation air must be conditioned by heating or cooling. Such treatment frequently incurs a heavy energy penalty. In addition, ventilation systems can be complex and involve space, installation costs, maintenance and operating energy. It is these factors that motivate much ventilation research.

A comprehensive yardstick for residential thermal distribution efficiency.

This paper describes a framework for a figure of merit by which the energy performance of thermal energy distribution systems (e.g., duct systems) in residences could be characterized. The proposed figure of merit is designed to be incorporated into design guides, state energy codes and/or utility DSM programs.

Will natural ventilation work?

