The Ventilation Standard HASS-102 of The Society of Heating, Air-conditioning andSanitary Engineere of Japan (SHASE Japan) was revised in November, 1997. The title of therevised standard is Ventilation Standard for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. So far, the oldVentilation Standard, which was issued in 1939, had been used for a long time. The task forrevision was undertaken by the Sub-committee on Ventilation Effectiveness and Standard(chaired by Murakami) of SHASE Japan.
The air leakages can have a large impact on heating needs and thermal comfort in industrial buildings. This is sometimes poorly taken into account, both due to the lack of theoretical approach and knowledge of air tightness.
In the unsteady calculations of room thermal environments, two simple and effective methods were introduced to reduce computer efforts through two case studies. One method (method-A) was applied to a passive solar room analysis (caseA) and another method( method-B) was applied to estimation of energy consumption in an air-conditioned room (caseB). In method-A, flow fields are calculated intermittently, namely, calculated every Nta time step while temperature fields are calculated every time step here, Nta≥ 1.