Data on moisture sources, winter condensation potential, C02 levels, levels of biological contamination and blood lymphocytes from fifty nine houses subjected to detailed testing and inspection in a previous phase of the Wallaceburg study were subject to more detailed statistical evaluation to determine the relationships between moisture sources, fungal growth and objective measures of health.
Tracer gases are commonly used to evaluate the performance of ventilation systems. One way to reduce the time, complexity, and cost of such experiments is to use the carbon dioxide generated by occupants as a tracer gas. In this paper, a method for using the carbon dioxide generated by occupants as a tracer gas for determining the effective supply air flow rate to a zone or the relative air-change effectiveness of a zone is described. The approach is to make use of a model of the accumulation dynamics and a model of the way that occupants generate carbon dioxide.
The LTEE laboratory of Hydro-Quebec, in collaboration with Canada Mortgage and Housing conducted an indoor air quality study involving 30 single family detached houses heated with electric baseboard heaters in the vicinity of Trois Rivières during the 1993-94 heating season. The houses were selected according to the measured air leakage at 50 Pa, so as to have a sample distribution similar to the distribution of air leakage of houses in the province of Quebec.
The paper will discuss problems connected with incorporation of stochastic factors into deterministic models of indoor air quality. Three different methods: a quasi dynamic multi-zone modelling with generating of input data time series, multi-zone modelling based on the theory of stochastic differential equations, Monte-Carlo simulation with independent random generating of stochastic parameters, will be shortly presented. Described methods are compared on the base of computer simulation of CO2 concentration in simple two compartment office.
The present paper presents results from measurements of outdoor airflow rates and air change rates carried out simultaneously with measurements of the indoor concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) . The measurements were made both under controlled laboratory conditions and in the field. The field experiments were performed in a conference room, an assembly hall and an office room, and the laboratory investigation was carried out in a 19 m³ test chamber.