Ventilation performance in cultural centres in Flanders

Ventilation impacts the quality of the indoor environment. Indoor air quality (IAQ) contributes to the overall personal exposure of occupants of a building to certain pollutants and is therefore an important environmental determinant of health. Research shows that European citizens spend on average 90% of their time indoors. The Flemish government, and more specifically the Flemish Department of Environment & Spatial Development, has been conducting research on IAQ in homes and schools to inform and develop policy since 2007.

Comparison of experimental methodologies to estimate the air infiltration rate in a residential case study for calibration purposes

The air renovation of a building should be controlled in order to ensure a proper level of indoor air quality while minimize heat losses. It is a crucial point for the future energy efficiency goals. However, air infiltration rate in buildings is a complex parameter which is influenced by several boundary conditions. Although a detailed dynamic analysis could be used to properly characterize the phenomenon, estimated values can be obtained from experimental methods, as Blower Door test and gas concentration-based approaches.