Computer rooms.


Prediction of Air Distribution in a Ventilated Room

This article examines a solution procedure which can determine the flow in an air-conditioned room. The method is based on the solution of a group of equations for the flow (four non-linear partial differential equations) by means of a numerical method. Comparison with test results indicates that the method studied is suitable for prediction of air movement in an air-conditioned room when the flow is steady and two-dimensional. The method can be extended to give the required information for the evaluation of thermal comfort in the room.

Measurement of Small Air Velocities in Air-Conditioned Rooms; LOCATION = Europe;

Comfort in an air-conditioned room depends to a high degree on the prevailing movement of air. As air velocities in excess of 0.1 m/sec can be regarded as draft phenomenon, a measuring device has been developed which will facilitate measurement to a sufficient accuracy and independent of any fluctuations in the air temperature even with low velocities.

Building Research Translation: Discomfort Due to Wind Near Buildings: Aerodynamic concepts; LOCATION Europe;

Flow patterns at ground level in groups of buildings result from the complex interaction between the wind (impact, average speed distribution with height, and turbulence) and the buildings themselves (shapes, sizes, arrangements, etc.). The

The interdependence of buildings and heating plants Meduzavisnosti zgrade i grejnog postrojenja

States that the future belongs to light building structures which have been well insulated. A decided improvement may be achieved by windows, which must become an active element in the facade for air extraction. Air heating is considered. With ever decreasing heat resources, the division of heat flow mechanisms into basic inert and fast-control peak heating, is no longer an economical approach.

A prospective study of the health and comfort changes among tenants after retrofitting of their flats

The prospective study included two groups, a study group, which had retrofitting of their flats, and a control group not exposed to environmental changes in their homes. The results clearly demonstrated a number of positive effects of the replac

Controlling moisture in the home.

Ventilation is a key factor in low energy housing and in temperate maritime climates such as Britain's moisture is a major factor in determining ventilation needs. Outlines necessary levels of humidity for both people and buildings. Summarises sources of moisture. Discusses control of humidity by either mechanical ventilation or heat pump dehumidification.
