The HVAC system for the new Standard Federal Bank headquarters in Troy, Michigan, the United States, was designed for energy efficiency, low operating costs and a high quality indoor environment. Ice thermal storage and heat reclaim from the building's data centre, in combination with a well insulated building envelope, have resulted in calculated savings of USD 62,000 per year with a payback period of 3.3 years. The design of this building's HVAC system, completed in 1989, exceeds all codesand standards for energy efficiency in the United States.
An evaluation of the potential for energy savings in thermal distribution systems in residential and small commercial buildings has been carried out. Thermal distribution systems are the ductwork, piping, or other means used to transport heat or cooling effect from the equipment that produces the heat or cooling to the building spaces in which it is used. This evaluation was divided into four stages.
Computer-based control systems have been widely used for controlling air-conditioning systems in commercial buildings. Computer-based control technology can increase control accuracy and can implement various sophisticated control strategies so that building energy consumption can be reduced. The problem is not how to implement a control strategy, but which control strategy should be used to control air-conditioning systems in commercial buildings.