Minimum ventilation rate. A research report.

An investigation of the minimum fresh air supply per person required to prevent the occurrence of unacceptably offensive odour due to stale air in offices and similar buildings. The study was made under everyday conditions as far as possible, in different buildings, various size rooms, different densities of occupancy, with men or men and women, and with mechanical or natural ventilation.

Mobile laboratory for sensory air quality studies in non-industrial environments

A mobile laboratory has been constructed for the sensory analysis of air quality in the field. It is used as a human exposure chamber for prolonged exposure to low concentration pollutants, a generator chamber for air pollutants, and a pollut

Carbon dioxide measurement as a means of ventilation control

Notes the considerable savings in heating energy that could be made if ventilation rates could be modulated so that only the requirements of the actual number of occupants was supplied. Explains how this can be done by ventilating to maintain a constant concentration of carbon dioxide. Describes carbon dioxide monitoring system based on infrared absorptiometry. Illustrates diagrammatically the layout of a cinema ventilation system which monitors carbon dioxide levels and explains its operation. Notes other buildings where the system is used.

Ventilation investigation in large buildings

After a brief treatment of the ideas and aspects that play a role in ventilation, gives a general outline of chosen investigation methods, with a concise review of apparatus and calculation models used. Presents a review of the ventilation investigations carried out by IMG-TNO during the last 10 years in factories, labs, hospitals, auction halls etc.

Building energy use compilation and analysis (BECA). Part C - Conservation progress in retrofitted commercial buildings.

Data on energy use was compiled for 223 retrofitted US commercial buildings and analysed for average savings, average retrofit costs, correlation between cost and savings, type of retrofit attempted etc. Dominant building types were schools and offices. Nearly all buildings included operations and maintenance changes as part of the retrofit. 89% of the buildings which saved energy by retrofitting achieved a payback (simple) in less than 3 years. 9% of the buildings failed to save (generally because of improper maintenance). Average savings for the entire sample were 20%.

Energy reduction opportunities in small commercial buildings.

Gives some conclusions from a detailed computer analysis of the energy consumption of 600 branch bank buildings of The Bank of Novia Scotia, spread across Canada. Divides energy management into 3 categories:

Occupant-generated CO2 as an indicator of ventilation rate.

Uses occupant-generated CO2 as an indicator of the actual ventilation rate in a San Francisco office building. Employs two techniques, a decay method and an integral method, and measurements are conducted simultaneously at several locations. The decay method compares favourably with the conventional measurement methods in both the all-outside-air and recirculation modes, whereas the integral method shows a considerable deviation from the other methods in the recirculation mode.

Validation of buildings and systems energy prediction using real measurements.

Looks at the requirements for computer model validation, especially in regard to predicting energy usage in buildings. Discusses the IEA project for comparing and validating several computer programs in this context. Describes the Glasgow commercial building monitoring project, which includes detailed measurement of temperature and air flow rates to provide data for model validation. States what type of data is needed for validation.

Energy saving in buildings by control of ventilation as a function of indoor carbon dioxide concentration.

Many mechanically ventilated buildings are over-ventilated since ventilation rates are based on a fixed number of people (often in excess of the average occupancy) and no allowance is made for infiltration. States that the CO2 concentration in the ventilated space can be related to the ventilation rate per person, and by modulating the fresh air flow to maintain a constant CO2 concentration, a constant ventilation rate per person can be obtained.

Natural and/or mechanical ventilation. Naturliche und/oder mechanische luftung.

In most office buildings, the continuous renewal of air cannot be guaranteed by means of ventilation through windows during any optional time. It is known (in the case of radiators and window ventilation) that when a window is open the ventilating heat cannot be recovered and other heat losses will occur.< The paper proves that the heating of a building by air is a greater energy saver then the conventional solution through static heating and window ventilation.
