Air infiltration calculation in a multistorey building. Proposta di metodo per il calcolo delle infiltrazioni d'aria in un edificio multipiano.

Describes a method, derived from bibliographical research, for air infiltration calculation in a multistorey building. The method may be used both for computer calculations, in order to determine the building thermal balance hour by hour, and for steady state hand calculations. Analytical and experimental relations have been examined for the determination of the air flow rate due to wind and stack effect.

Modeling of radon and its daughter concentrations in ventilated spaces.

Discusses sources of radon in buildings and the prediction of levels of radon and daughters. Derives differential equations governing the decay and venting of radon and its daughters. A computer program based on these equations has been written to predict radon and daughter concentrations, total potential alpha energy concentration and equilibrium factor. The program can account for time dependence of ventilation and emanation rates and is readily used by building designers.

Description of the Encore-Canada building energy use analysis computer program.

Encore-Canada is a Fortran IV computer program which performs a dynamic simulation of energy use on an hourly basis using weather data. The program includes the calculation of air infiltration and solar effects. This report describes the program structure, data preparation, output and procedures for running the program. Gives examples of program applied to a house giving floorplan of the house, input data and program output.

Thermal performance of buildings, descriptive guide for program ZSTEP.

Gives a brief guide to the computer program ZSTEP, which is a program for simultaneous calculation of the thermal performance of up to ten zones in a building. Outlines the structure and operation of the program and describes the type of input needed and the output produced. Discusses applications of the program and planned developments. An appendix gives data preparation sheets.

Air flow variation of HVAC caused by stack effect and opening a window.

Unopenable, fixed windows have been widely used in high-rise buildings in Japan, but the energy crisis has forced a reconsideration of the merits of natural ventilation with openable windows. However opening windows inhigh-rise buildings, has the disadvantage that open windows causes air flow variation of a mechanical system due to stack effect.< Reports results of a computer simulation of this problem. Describes computer program to calculate air flows in a building. Describes example building, giving air leakage and HVAC system characteristics.

Investigation of three computer programs for calculation of indoor climate.

Reports comparison of three computer programs designed to calculate room air temperature and heating loads. The programs are:< BRIS - a swedish program using a finite difference method< BYVOK - a norwegian program using the thermal response factor method

A technique for measuring airborne concentrations of daughters of radon isotopes.

Describes a method of measuring airborne concentrations of radon daughters which distinguishes between the different isotopes. At the place of sampling, air is flowed through a millipore filter for five to ten minutes at approximately 12 litres per minute. The filter is counted during the period 2 to 12 minutes post sampling; the counts are integrated over each of four regions of energy and a second count made for the same regions during the period 15 to 30 minutes post sampling. Results are analysed by a BASIC computer program.

CAFE - A computer program to calculate the flow environment.

CAFE is a suite of computer programs, developed by Atkins Research and Development, to solve engineering problems involving fluid flow and heat transfer. Based on a finite difference method, its main advantage over other programs is its generality, which enables problems requiring a variety of different boundary conditions to be studied.< Describes the mathematical formulation of the program and its major features. Gives examples of its application including modelling the ventilation of a building to reduce concentrations of dangerous gases.

A computer model for analysing smoke movement in buildings.

Describes the computer program developed for the Fire Research Station by Scientific Control Systems Ltd. to predict the movement of smoke from a fire in a building. This can be run ineither deterministic or stochastic modes.< Explains the physical model used to describe the movement of smoke through a building and outlines the computer technique used to solve the resulting equations. Presents some preliminary results obtained with the model and considers possible improvements. Discusses applications of the model.

A computer technique for predicting smoke movement in tall buildings.

Describes a computer technique for analysing air movement resulting from stack effect in a tall building. Describes the method which determines the air flows for all possible paths through exterior walls and within the building. The building is divided into multi-storey zones based on the design of the building and the HVAC system. Gives an example of the method applied to a building under two different climatic conditions. Considers the problem of thedifficulty in opening doors due to excess pressure across the door.
