Assessment of the radiative cooling potential of a collector using hourly weather data.

The radiative cooling potential is determined by the ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, and cloudiness. Previous assessments of the radiative cooling potential in Greece have been based on mean weather data. In chis paper, 12 years of hourly weather data are used to assess the radiative cooling potential in Athens. The performance results for a simple radiator are also presented. The radiative cooling potential for Athens is promising and simple radiators can be used to estimate the cooling potential.            

Using earth to air heat exchangers for space cooling.

This paper deals with the thermal performance of an earth to air heat exchanger for cooling and heating purposes. The cooling system consists of an earth tube buried in the ground through which ambient air is propelled and cooled by the bulk temperature of the natural ground. Fresh or indoor air can be circulated inside the tube. A new, more accurate, transient, implicit, numerical model based on the coupled and simultaneous transfer of heat and mass into the soil and the pipe has been developed.

On the use of the atmospheric heat sinks for heat dissipation.

During recent years, energy consumption of buildings for cooling purposes has significantly increased. In order to reduce the energy consumption while maintaining high levels of thermal comfort, building research has been oriented towards the appropriate use of the natural heat sinks. The present paper provides comparative information regarding the performance of the more important passive and hybrid cooling techniques involving the use of a natural heat sink.

Dynamic simulation of central chilling system of a large office building.

Dynamic simulation of a seawater-cooled chilling system is performed by using the dynamic models of centrifugal chillers, heat exchangers, seawater and chilled water networks, cooling coil, actuator, sensor, variable-speed pump and DDC controller ofBEMS. The on-line control strategies for the central chilling system are tested and evaluated by using them to control the living chilling system under different AHU dynamic loads in four seasons.

Ventilative cooling: state of the art

Ventilative cooling represents one of the heat dissipation techniques in the building design process. In this paper, we identify the driving forces of natural ventilation and their implications within the building. We focus on the various strategies to enhance the air circulation and exhibit the limits of this cooling technique. Design guidelines for architects based on existing knowledge are suggested. Finally, perspectives in terms of future research actions are exposed
