Simple and reliable systems for demand controlled ventilation in apartments.

The paper is presenting experience from a several year long time of operation in a group of apartment buildings in the Stockholm area, Sweden, having an extremely low energy usage, less that 110kWh/(m2.year), electricity supply to the building services included. The system solution used has a very low pressure drop in the exhaust ducts. Every exhaust point is connected to an individual duct leading to a fan chamber in the attic. The pressure in that chamber is kept constant.

Effective ventilation strategies demand flexible system design.

User experiences of the workings of a ventilation system have often been pretty disheartening. Draughty, too hot, noisy, too stuffy are some of the verdicts which in many cases have been confirmed by objective measurements. Often the complaints are due to the air flows not being appropriate to the room. This in turn can be due to adjustment difficulties or to the flow balance in different branches of the system being affected by residents tampering with the supply or exhaust air terminal device settings.

Carbon dioxide concentrations and minimum air change rates in a high-rise office building.

The carbon dioxide concentration patterns in a large, high-rise, office building in Ottawa were examined experimentally using an automated data acquisition system. Daily C02 concentration profiles throughout the building and air change rates, using SF6 as a tracer gas, were measured at minimum outdoor air supply rates during much of a heating season.

Demand Controlled Ventilation in an Auditorium.

In conjunction with IEA Annex 18, DCV-systems, a test on an auditorium in a school in Tyreso south of Stockholm has been carried out. The auditorium has 450 seats on a slightly sloped floor and a ventilation system with low impulse air supply devices placed at the lower (front) part of the auditorium. The system is intended to act as a displacement ventilation system during operation with heat load from people. The flow rate is governed by a CO2 sensor in the exhaust air device. In non-operational state, and if heating is necessary, the system operated with recirculation of air.
