An overview of the R-2000 home program design and installation guidelines for ventilation systems.

This paper outlines the development of guidelines for the design and installation of ventilation systems installed in energy efficient homes constructed under the R-2000 Home Program of Energy, Mines and Resources Canada. The guidelines represent one of the first initiatives to develop comprehensive requirements for the design and installation of mechanical ventilation systems for residential buildings in Canada. The guidelines outline requirements for a continuous supply of ventilation air to dilute and therefore control contaminants produced from dispersed sources in a home (e.g.

Passive ventilation : a method of controllable natural ventilation of housing.

This report describes research work en a p:iSsive ventilation system installed in occupioo housing arrl provides sinple design guidance with recarmendations for future work.

The importance of proper design : commissioning and maintenance are highlighted in the proposal for a new Finnish ventilation code. D2-maaraysehdotuksessa korostuu suunnittelun, kaytoonoton ja kunnossapidon merkitys.

The technical chapters in the draft proposal for the Ventilation Code differ from the existing one. The technical means for achieving acceptable indoor climate will be described in a new way. In order to secure acceptable quality also in practise (not only in design), new requirements are suggested for design and especially the documentation of design, for commissioning and for maintenance planning. The suggested minimum ventilation rate is 4 l/s per person in rooms where smoking is not allowed and 10 l/s per person if smoking is allowed.

Natural ventilation of heat-intensive factories. Preliminary instructions. Naturliche luftung von warmeintensiven betrieben. Vorlaufige richtlinie.

Outlines the foundations for calculating and designing natural ventilation: conditions for the building unit: technological prerequisites: components: sound insulation: calculation methods: fields of application: combination of mechanical and natural ventilation: and models for optimization of new buildings and for reconstructing factories.

Natural ventilation in the UK and some considerations for energy efficient design.

This paper discusses the potential for achieving an "energy-efficient" ventilation system by improving design procedures for natural ventilation. It considers ventilation requirements and the meaning of the term energy-efficient ventilation. Both of these topics are of fundamental importance to any design procedure. Natural and mechanical ventilation systems are discussed. This is done because natural ventilation is often compared unfavourably with purpose-built mechanical systems. It is argued that such comparisons can be misleading, unless all aspects are considered.

Airing a problem

States that current building regulations on ventilation are very inadequate. Describes the Scottish Development Department document The future of building control in Scotland. This proposes a local authority liaison committee with reps from building control and fire services to co-ordinate work on operating building control in Scotland. It also recommends approval of standard house types of different conditions between authorities. Suggests this could usefully be introduced to England and Wales.

Draft Standard for ventilation systems. Forslag til NKB-norm for ventilasjonsanlegg.

Provides basis for planning and installing plant for maintaining indoor climate based on previous draft which is based on earlier Danish Standard. Refers to several salient design criteria including leakage factors at given test pressure, maintenance of climate parameters, air quality, anticipated energy consumption. Gives example table for requirements of building in terms of m2/person depending on application. States example tolerances of air flows.
