Ventilating for comfort.


Pour in fresh air.


Displacement ventilation by different types of diffuses.

The paper describes measuring results of the air movement from three different types of diffusers for displacement ventilation. Two of the diffusers are lowlevel wall mounted diffusers, one with a low and one with a high initial entrainment. The third diffuser is of the floor mounted type. The air flow close to the diffusers and in the rest of the room is analysed. Velocity decay in the flow from the low-level diffusers is given as a function of the Archimeaes number, and the paper suggests a general equation for this part of the flow.

Air motion in the vicinity of air supply devices for displacement ventilation.

In displacement ventilation systems, air flow rates, temperature and the design of the air supply device strongly influence the parameters which decide the thermal comfort. This paper reviews experiments and theoretical models which show the connection between t.hese parameters. It is indicated that the Archimedes number of the supply air is the parameter which decides the air velocity in the area close to the floor. (The Archimedes number is the ratio between buoyancy and inertia forces).
