A modern concept for office buildings: energy saving and good indoor climate are no longer contradictory.

An up-to-date design concept for office buildings results in a very low energy consumption and provides a better indoor climate at the same time. This new concept is based mainly on two design features: An extremely well insulated building envelope decouples the indoor climate from the outside climate to a high degree during all seasons and weather conditions. The second element of this new design concept is the HVAC-system: The source-dominated displacement ventilation provides a better comfort and, as a cosequence of its high effectiveness, is very economical.

FOCUS: On EEC and IEA Energy RD and D.


Inhabitants' behaviour with regard to ventilation.

This report summarises the IEA Annex 8 Study into the behaviour of occupants with regard to ventilation. It assesses the extent to which the actions of occupants can be modified in order to minimise energy use yet maintain adequate indoor air quality. Chapters cover observational techniques, energy loss due to window opening, reasons for window opening and the resultant energy savings from modified use of windows.

Energy advice for low-income households.

