The wind speed and wind direction affected concentration of indoor radon in seven houses, which arelocated in three region of southern Finland. In the case of houses (B - F) which are built on upperslope of a permeable esker, according to the analysis of covariance the highest concentration of indoorradon, 20 - 33% over grand mean, was observed when wind (v?0.4 m.s-1) direction was perpendicularthe esker, leading to increasing pressure of soil gas and consequently to increased radon entry andconcentration.
For over ten years STUK (The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Finland) has performedsystematic indoor radon mapping with municipal health authorities. In the most radon-proneprovinces (Uusimaa, Kymi and Hme) there are about 480,000 low-rise dwellings. It is expectedthat in 51,000 homes the action level of 400 Bq/m3 is exceeded, of which about 6,000 have beendetected. In the rest of Finland the numbers are: 820,000 low-rise dwellings, 17,000 expectedcases of exceeding the limit, of which 800 were detected, respectively.