Reports measurements of formaldehyde in four newly-built schools. In one school, one year after opening during the hot summer of 1976, concentrations of formaldehyde between 0.3 and 0.9ppm were measured. In another school the average concentration for almost all rooms was over the maximum for working places of 1ppm. The cause was emanation from ceiling and furniture and concentration depended on humidity, temperature and ventilation rate.
During the period 1973-76, measurements in housing where particle board is used as a building material have revealed a reduction in the formaldehyde content of the indoor atmosphere from 0.64 to 0.40 mg/cu.m. under standard indoor climatic conditions. A corresponding although slighter reduction in therelease of formaldehyde from particle board was found under controlled conditions in climatic chambers. Suggests these improvements in the quality of particle board will suffice to fulfill the proposed limit of 0.40 mg/cu.m.
Elucidates many different aspects of formaldehyde occurrence, such as, comparable indoor air pollutants, complaints and investigations, coherence with ventilation rate and construction, chipboard types, qualities and prices, differing European directives on board composition, chipboard in cold and warm types of flat roofs.
Measurements of vapours and gases from organic solvents (GC-MS) of formaldehyde and of odour were performed inside and outside an uninhabited experimental house with and without operating the ventilating system.< The indoor air quality is evaluated with respect to human health andwellbeing, and guidelines for the setting of hygenic standards for indoor air quality are discussed, taking into account that building materials should neither emit carcinogens, respiratory irritants nor odorous compounds.
Reviews the topic of indoor air quality as it relates to energy efficient homes. Discusses air pollution from combustion, airborne particles, formaldehyde and radon. Concludes that indoor air quality in existing homes and those currently being constructed, can be managed so as to avoid adverse effects on the occupants.
Discusses indoor air quality in residences with low ventilation rates. Reports investigation of indoor air pollutant levels in a test kitchen with a gas stove under various air change rates. Results indicate that gas stoves generate high emissions of carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde and respirable aerosols. Recommends a kitchen ventilation rate of at least 170 cu.m.&h.< Also reports study of CO and NO2 emissions from gas appliances in an energy- efficient research house.
Ventilation measurements in new Swedish houses show that they seldom fulfill minimum requirements of 0.5 air changes per. hour applicable to specific housing classifications. Basic natural ventilation is often used. Discusses consequent problems including condensation and humidity, excess radon daughters and formaldehyde content in the room air. Notes future demands for systems to include heat exchangers.
Reports field monitoring program by the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory to assess the potential impact of reduced ventilation of indoor air quality. Three houses, designed to be energy-efficient, were monitored using a mobile laboratory. Parameters measured included infiltration rate, CO2, CO, NO2, NO, O3, SO2, HCNO, total aldehydes and particulates.
Reports study to investigate the possibilities of purifying air from formaldehyde by using a filter that brings the air into contact with an adsorbent substance. Finds that the type of adsorbent substance that works satisfactorily is that which involves adsorption in combination with the oxidation breakdown of adsorbent substances. Compares costs for residential premises between a) an increase in ventilation and the use of a heat exchanger and b) the type of air purification and recirculation describes above.
Describes investigation of the effects of five hour exposure of sixteen young people to different concentrations of formaldehyde. Physiological parameters, subjective discomfort and performance were monitored. Discusses setting of exposure standards for formaldehyde and suggests standard of 0.15 mg/m^3 for continuous exposure.< Discussion includes an account by R.Baars of developments in the Netherlands and measures taken to reduce formaldehyde concentrations in dwellings.