Ventilation and health in nonindustrial indoor environments. Report from a European multidisciplinary scientific consensus meeting.

A multidisciplinary panel of experts in the EUROVEN collaboration evaluated scientific literature on the effects of ventilation on health, comfort and productivity in non-industrial indoor environments. Fourteen papers of the 105 reviewed were judged to provide background information relevant to the objective, and thirty papers were judged conclusive. The group drew their conclusions based on these thirty papers. They agreed that ventilation is strongly associated with comfort and health, and that an association between ventilation and productivity is possible.

Microbial growth control in spray humidifiers of health facilities.

Describes a study carried out to investigate the possibility of suppressing microbial contamination of circulating water in humidifiers by using the oligodynamic potential of silver ions. Puts forward basic hygienic requirement to ensure adequate quality of water in humidifiers of air conditioning plant.

Asthmatic symptoms and volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde and carbon dioxide in dwellings.

Explores possible relations between symptoms of asthma, building characteristics and indoor concentration of volatile organic compounds in residential buildings. 88 persons from middle Sweden were studied. Measurements were taken at home of room temperature, air humidity, respirable duct, carbon dioxide, VOCs, formaldehyde and house dust mites. Health tests were also performed. Found that symptoms related to asthma were more common in homes with house dust mites and visible signs of dampness or microbial growth.

Effect of a new ventilation system on health and well-being of office workers.

Examines the effect of a new, individually controlled ventilation system on employee symptoms. Two groups of employees were studied in one office building with mechanical ventilation, with one group the control. Individual control of the workspace ventilation was given to the intervention group. The new system gave higher air velocities, more variable temperatures, and higher concentration of airborne dust and fungal spores. Nevertheless, after four months, employees reported fewer symptoms.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health indoor environmental evaluation experience. Part Three: Associations between environmental factors and self-reported health conditions.

Regression techniques were used to assess the associations between environmental factors and work-related health conditions. The study used environmental and health data for 2435 persons in 80 offices. When adjusted for age and gender, relative risks for multiple lower respiratory symptoms were increased for variables in the HVAC design and maintenance categories, with the highest for presence of debris inside the air intake, and for poor or no drainage from drain pans. Multiple atopic symptoms were related to suspended ceiling panels. Asthma was related to renovation with new drywall.

Health symptoms and the work environment in four non-problem United States office buildings.

Describes a study which aimed to quantify health symptom reports in four 'non-problem' buildings. Also attempted to assess the relationship between symptoms and air quality measures, characteristics of workstations and psychosocial aspects of the workplace. The method used environmental sampling and a questionnaire. High report of symptoms contrasted with low measured contaminant levels. Symptoms were associated with occupant perception of air movement, dryness, odour, and noise.

Effectiveness of in-room air filtration and dilution ventilation for tuberculosis infection control.

The effectiveness of in-room air filtration systems was experimentally evaluated, specifically portable air filters (PAFs) and ceiling-mounted air filters, in conjunction with dilution ventilation, in order to control TB exposure in high-risk environments. A test aerosol was continuously generated and released into a full-sized room. Time-averaged airborne particle concentrations were measured at several points. The effectiveness was determined by a comparison of particle concentrations with and without device operation. Increasing rate of air flow did not always increase effectiveness.

The relative efficacy of respirators and room ventilation in preventing occupational tuberculosis.

The study described attempted to assess the relative efficacy of personal respiratory protection when infectious aerosol concentration increases or room ventilation rates decrease. A variable for respirator leakage was added to the Wells-Riley mathematical model of airborne transmission of disease. States that infection risk decreases exponentially with increasing room ventilation or personal respiratory protection. As room ventilation rates increase, or concentrations of infectious aerosols decrease, the relative efficacy of personal respiratory protection decreases.

Health, comfort and energy in buildings - an integrated approach.

The indoor environment is by far the most important environment from a health perspective. Allergies, airways infections, lung cancer etc. are associated with indoor air quality (IAQ) in developed countries and they are related to the use of energy for buildings. The main problems related to buildings, energy conservation and health in the developed world concern 'dampness' and inadequate ventilation. It is well established that if there is no 'building dampness' and if the ventilation is adequate then the risk of IAQ-related diseases is low.

Creating airtight and healthy homes.

States that with the ill effects of poor indoor air quality often in the news these days, it pays to design and build a house that is healthy from the start. States that a comprehensive approach to residential design has emerged in recent years that makes both energy conservation and good indoor air quality achievable in homes.
