Ventilation Challenges in a Changing World (Book of Proceedings)

The Book of Proceedings of the 42nd AIVC - 10th TightVent - 8th venticool Conference: "Ventilation Challenges in a Changing World" held in Rotterdam, Netherlands on 5-6 October 2022

Ventilation Challenges in a Changing World (Slides)

The Presentations at the 42nd AIVC - 10th TightVent - 8th venticool Conference: "Ventilation Challenges in a Changing World" held in Rotterdam, Netherlands on 5-6 October 2022


Health impacts of indoor air contaminants determined using the DALY metric

Common metrics used for assessing air quality are based on guidelines and/or standards for regulating concentrations that should not be exceeded over a period. Exceeding those values would represent problematic situations. A lack of agreement on appropriate norms or standards deem this approach sub-optimal. Moreover, this approach does not relate a proportion of exceedance to specific health outcomes.

Application of Indoor Carbon Dioxide During the COVID- 19 Pandemic

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many organizations have recommended improved ventilation to reduce the risk of indoor airborne infectious disease transmission. These recommendations include increasing outdoor air rates and filtration efficiencies, as well as verifying that ventilation systems are operating as intended. There have also been many recommendations to monitor indoor CO2 concentrations as indicators of ventilation or infection risk, in some cases with quantitative concentration limits.

Ventilation in Schools - A Review of State Policy Strategies

In January 2023, the Environmental Law Institute (ELI) with funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), released the report: "Ventilation in Schools: A Review of State Policy Strategies".


Technological and financial tools to decarbonise the building sector and mitigate overheating in our cities

In the framework of The Trento EEMI Bauhaus Week, the European Mortgage Federation - European Covered Bond Council (EMF-ECBC) released a video-”call to action” (for distribution to 2000 banks and 5000 major companies) about the decarbonisation of buildings and the heat mitigation in cities.


ASHRAE Commits to Developing an IAQ Pathogen Mitigation Standard

On December 7, 2022 ASHRAE’s board of directors announced its commitment to support the expedited development of a national indoor air quality (IAQ) pathogen mitigation standard. The goal is to finalize the consensus-based, code enforceable standard within six months.


22-25 May, 2022, Conference, Rotterdam – CLIMA 2022

The REHVA World Congress CLIMA is the leading international scientific congress in the field of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC).

CLIMA 2022 takes place 22nd – 25th of May 2022 both in Ahoy Rotterdam as well as online. Don’t miss out on this great event and book your tickets, either for the live or online experience.


New release! AIVC Ventilation Information Paper #43: Residential ventilation and health

We are happy to announce the release of AIVC's Ventilation Information Paper no 43: Residential ventilation and health. This paper briefly presents the key outcomes of the AIVC Technical Note 68 (TN 68) "Residential Ventilation and Health”, in an effort to ease the dissemination of this key AIVC publication. The document starts with an overview of pollutants in domestic dwellings that have been measured, prioritizes pollutants for mitigation in the indoor environment and identif


VIP 43: Residential ventilation and health

AIVC Technical Note 68 (TN 68) "Residential Ventilation and Health” is one of the outcomes of the work performed under the framework of AIVC’s project “Ventilation & Health” and benefited from contributions by several authors and many structured discussions held during specific sessions at AIVC events. TN 68 summarised studies that prioritise pollutants in the indoor environment and presented a
