Residential mechanical ventilation systems: performance criteria and evaluations.

The performance of mechanical ventilation systems has been checked in several innovative residential houses in the frame of Swiss research as well as pilot and demonstration projects. This paper gives a list of performance criteria for the ongoing comparison and evaluation of these mechanical ventilation systems. For some criteria, target values are proposed. In the second part, this paper shortly describes four residential buildings with mechanical ventilation systems where such evaluations were performed and highlights interesting design features and results from the measurements.

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Save energy and still have excellent indoor air quality.

By using balanced, mechanical ventilation with a high efficiency regenerative heat exchanger it is possible to achieve twice the ventilation rote required by the Norwegian Building Code, and still consume less than half the normal amount of energy. This is the conclusion drawn from extensive measurements made in a Norwegian single Family home last winter. The measurements were made by the EMTEK-programme, which is a Norwegian government programme to promote the introduction of energy efficient products.
