In hot climates ventilation can be a useful means of cooling dwellings, if the outside air is cooler than that inside the dwelling. Often, in hot regions the outside air is so hot during the day that cooling by ventilation is of no benefit until the evening when the outside air cools. Ventilation can then be beneficial, and can be promoted by a sun-warmed cavity or 'solar chimney' added to a building on the sun ward side. The cavity may be of any material of high thermal capacity. Heat from the sun is stored within the walls and heats the air within.
Primary energy consumption in Algeria continues to grow, and this is associated with the growth in sale on conventional air conditioning systems. This was a major impact on electricity demand specially for summer cooling purpose for north and south regions of Algeria. This investigation demonstrates that the combination of passively driven air movement and evaporative cooling through wind tower system can be used with success and fulfil comfort requirements of hotel accommodation under constantine climate.
This paper presents results from the first year of monitoring the performance of a laboratory building in the new 14.000m2 Torrent Research Centre in Ahmedabad, India. The capital and running costs of air conditioning of non-domestic buildings in northern India are very substantial. while building costs (compared with northern Europe) are low. A cooling technique which maximises reliance on the building fabric and minimises reliance on mechanical equipment is therefore likely to be cost effective. Passive Downdraught Evaporative Cooling (PDEC) represents such a technique.
An innovative calculation methodology is proposed in this paper which retains the accuracy of sophisticated computer simulation programs, such as DOE 2.1, but maintains the simplicity of simplified building energy calculation methods, such as the Modified Bin method. The entire calculation procedure is discussed and followed by a full-scale experiment on a VAV (Variable Air Volume) system which successfully demonstrated its effectiveness. This method is now proposed to be adapted as the main p<ut of the national building energy code or PACS index in Taiwan
There is a growing demand for buildings to have a high indoor air quality environment. Twoof the main elements that contribute to this quality are temperature and air distribution withinthe occupied space. In modern office buildings particularly in hot climates, care must be takento design the most economical air distribution system that provides comfort for the occupants.There are many techniques available to predict the air distribution patterns in the space atdesign stage, but these are often not very accurate.
This project has studied a selection of 16 typical museums for antiquities in five Mediterranean countries and was partly funded by the JOULE III of the European Commission DG XII. Through an elaborate analysis and complete refurbishment of the Archaeological Museum of Delphi, the programme has provided an example for an innovative museum design based on present-day know-how.
This paper presents the experimental results of the comparative study of three Passive Cooling Systems (PCSs) for the natural conditioning of dwellings carried out in Maracaibo, Venezuela. An experimental platform has been built to study the thermal performance of PCS. It includes: two full scale test cells, a meteorological station and an automated data acquisition system. The results are analyzed in terms of Indoor Characteristic Temperatures (JCT), Mean Cooling Potential (MCP) and the Cooling Performance Index (CPI) of each PCS.
Submicron particles play a major role in soiling processes and contribute to corrosion, current leakage and shorts in electronic equipment. For more than a year, optical particle counters have been used to continuously measure the concentrations of submicron particles at a telecommunications facility in Southern California. Separate instruments have simultaneously sampled at four locations: the outdoor air intake, immediately upstream of the HVAC filters, immediately downstream of the HVAC filters, and inside the office.