Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Tue, 11/05/2013 - 17:57
This article deals with summer comfort and room air distribution in low-energy housings. In such buildings, the efficient thermal insulation and air tightness make it crucial to efficiently dispose of the heat released by the internal gains. In this prospect, the comfort in a test room resulting from an integrated cooling and ventilation system is assessed both experimentally and numerically. The air is supplied into the room close to the ceiling through a wall-mounted diffuser of complex geometry composed of 12 lobed nozzles.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Thu, 10/31/2013 - 22:24
This paper focuses on ventilation solutions of a net zero energy building. We present the monitoring results after two years as part of the PHD programme research “Design, simulation and control of hybrid ventilation systems in high energy performances buildings” founded by Elithis Groupe in parternship with the LEPTIAB of La Rochelle.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Thu, 10/31/2013 - 15:57
This paper is mainly present the filtering technology for air purification in the process of ventilation and air conditioning. By the means of reviewing the related research we have made in this area, several effective programs for PM10 filtration are introduced from the view of experimental testing and practical applications. However, the selection and screening of fiber filter material has yet to be standardized, and the development of new multi-functional and energy efficient fiber filter material is pressingly required.
Currently, houses do not perform optimally or even as many codes and forecasts predict, largely because they are field assembled and there is no consistent process to identify deficiencies or to correct them. Solving this problem requires field performance evaluations using appropriate and agreed upon procedures in the form of a new process called residential commissioning. The purpose of this project is to develop and document these procedures and to demonstrate the value that applying them could provide in both new and existing California houses.
Submitted by Maria.Kapsalaki on Fri, 10/25/2013 - 19:15
Aerosol detection in HVAC duct components is a critical component of contaminant detection and analysis. Incorrect placement of a sensor inlet within the ductwork can have a significant, deleterious effect on capture efficiency and sample accuracy. Computational fluid dynamics studies were conducted of straight rectangular cross-section ductwork and a 90° bend to determine flow patterns and simulations of particulate injections were made at various locations across the inlet. The resultant particle distributions were analyzed to determine the optimal placement for a sensor inlet.
Ventilation strategies play an important role of enhancing thermal comfort, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) andenergy conservation in any conditioned space. Introduced in late 90s, Impinging Jet Ventilation (IJV) isthe system that can utilize stratification, while supplying with high velocity. With this characteristic andthe simplicity of its terminal configuration, IJV has an advantage over well-known DisplacementVentilation (DV) system. In this study, IJV system was investigated for establishing the protocol used inComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation.
Introduced in late 90’s, Impinging Jet Ventilation (IJV) is the system that can utilize stratification, while supplying with medium to high velocity. This characteristic makes IJV easy to be controlled and operated, while room Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) can
Energy conservation is one of the key issues for environmental protection and sustainabledevelopment. Currently, about 17% of the total energy is being consumed for heating, ventilation, airconditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration in Hong Kong. Therefore, energy saving in the HVAC systemsof buildings is an important topic. In this paper, a study on the energy saving in a hotel HVAC systemwas carried out. The cooling load features of the hotel were analyzed. Retrofitting strategy of theHVAC system in the hotel was then designed.
The present paper is a review on methods and technologies for air cleaning from micro organisms andviruses, which are applicable with the present HVAC practices. The advantages and the drawbacks ofair dilution, filtration (HEPA, ULPA), ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI), photocatalytic oxidation(PCO), plasmacluster ions and other technologies for air disinfection and purification is criticallyanalyzed with respect to the used today air distribution principles.