Design guidelines for thermal envelope integrity in office buildings.

This paper describes the guidelines prepared by NIST for GSA. These guidelines are organised by envelope construction system and contain practical information on the avoidance of thermal performance problems such as thermal bridging, insulating system defects, moisture migration problems, and excessive envelope air leakage. For each envelope system, both good and bad practice are discussed with an emphasis on the graphical presentation of envelope design details.

How to meet the new thermal regs.


An overview of research activity on ventilation in Italy.

A short description of previous and ongoing research in Italy is given in the article.

Thermal and moisture performance of an occupied low energy house.

An experimental low-energy house, with a novel structure incorporating an unusually large amount of expanded polystyrene insulation, was subjected to extensive monitoring while occupied by a family. Measured thermal conductances are reported and compared with calculated U-values, and the moisture performance is discussed.

The utilization of a building's thermal inertia.

The purpose of this paper is to show how the heating and ventilating plant of a lease building was designed. An optimal design was achieved by utilizing the building's thermal inertia for both winter and summer operations. 
