On the base of universally valid laws: energy conservation and the theorem of Fourier, the dynamic behavior of a room is traced back to only two most important parameters. With the aid of the so-called free-run temperature a generally valid strategy for low energy houses is deduced and its transfer to practice illustrated. With the climate surfaces, a planning tool is introduced allowing the strategic planning of low energy houses based on these two parameters. Finally the obsolescence of the passive-solar rules and strategies is demonstrated.
Since 1985 more than 170 very low energy houses, all of the same type and structure, were built in the Flemish Region, Belgium. Because conduction losses are very low, mean Urn-value 0.30-0.35 W/(m².K), ventilation losses become very important, up to 45% of the heat losses if no heat recovery is utilised. Three of the houses were monitored in detail for energy consumption, energy and ventilation efficiency. All houses are equipped with the same ventilation system: balanced mechanical ventilation with heat recovery.