Vertical distribution of contaminant concentration in rooms with floor-supply displacement ventilation

The experiment was conducted by means of a scaled-room wtih floor supply ventilation system, it intended to know the vertical distribution of contaminant concentration emitted from a human body. The validity of the models has been proved in so far as the calculated concentrations were almost equal to the measured values.

Design methods and evaluation of thermal comfort for mixing and displacement ventilation

Measurements are made first in a full-scale room ventilated with a mixing ventilation, and later with a displacement ventilation. A new method to design mixing ventilation is established. A comparison shows the thermal comfort obtained with the two systems.

Experimental charaterisation of thermal plumes in confined ventilated spaces

This paper presents the behaviour of a thermal plume combine with a forced ventilation. A method to locate the position of the thermocline in a ventilated room is shown. It also gives and compares the results obtained by means of a solutal simulation on an hydraulic model and from full-scale experiments in a climatic chamber.

Passive control of a free jet

This paper deals with low Reynolds number jets for personalised ventilation and the possibility to control them in order to obtain useful modifications of the flow field, it can be done by simply adding a ring-like perturbation in front of the jet itself.

The effect of enclosure size on turbulence in axisymmetric jets

The paper presents the results of the measurement of turbulence intensity in jets issued into enclosures of different size. The test results confirm the relation between the velocity distribution coefficient and turbulence parameters.

The effect of enclosure size on the air velocity distribution in axisymmetric jets

The paper presents the results of experimental tests : the enclosure size and background turbulence in the surroundings of the jet have an influence on the air velocity distribution in axisymmetric jets

A comparison between four different ventilation systems

Measurements and CFD simulations are compared for 4 different ventilation systems using the air change index and a new ventilation parameter. It is shown the advantage of impinging jets

A dynamic model for single sided ventilation.

The aim was to develop a simple dynamic model for predicting air exchange caused by short time single-sided ventilation and necessary window opening time in classrooms. Tracer gas measurements have been made in a full-scale room. The comparison indicates that the model can be used when rough estimates of air exchange are of interest.

Detailed Experimental Data of Room Airflow with Displacement Ventilation

This paper presents a set of detailed experimental data of room airflow with displacement ventilation. These data were obtained from a new environmental test facility at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The measurements were conducted for three typical room configurations: a small office, a large office with partition, and a classroom. The experiment measured the distributions of air velocity, air velocity fluctuation, and air temperature by omnidirectional hot-sphere anemometers and contaminant concentrations by tracer gas at 54 points in the room.
