Modeling and predicting of pollutant transfer in multizone buildings coupled with ventilation networks.

A literature review shows that the actual trends to prediction of air flow in multizone buildings are not only due to economical reasons but mainly to indoor air quality, acoustical and thermal comfort improvements. During the last decade, almost fifty models have been developed in eight countries [1]-[4]. Except some models the analysis of interaction between HVAC systems and building infiltration is seldom studied [5].

A triple effect absorption system.


The penetration of gaseous pollutants into buildings in the case of a sudden contamination of the outdoor air.

A sudden contamination of the outdoor air by some toxic gas can have several causes. The primary goal of the investigation was to determine the protection afforded by sheltering indoors. The object of a computational approach was a single family house with two floors. Three different models were utilized as computing tools: MOVECOMP to calculate the infiltration air flows, MULTIC to calculate the contaminant transport inside the building and TDYN to calculate the temperature decay of the building.

Modelling fluctuating airflow through large openings.

Fluctuating airflow thorough buildings is caused by temporal and spatial variations of wind-induced pressures around building envelopes, and include pulsating airflow and eddy penetrations. Two approaches using a multi-zone pulsating airflow model are introduced in this paper to study the eddy penetration and multi-way airflow through large openings. In the first approach, the eddy flow is considered to be caused by imperfect correlations among pressures at different points of an opening.

Correction of tracer gas measurement results for climatic factors.

This paper deals with the problem of the weather influence on ventilation rate for naturally ventilated buildings with purpose provided openings and vertical shafts. Hitherto, it has not been possible to predict the ventilation rate or to extrapolate it for other weather conditions than the measured ones, without performing a heavy calculation exercise by means of running a computer program. In the paper a prediction as well as an extrapolation procedure is outlined . The procedures are based on generalised output data from a single zone infiltration and ventilation model (AIDA).

Dynamic designs on atria.

